Birmingham Post

Worker stole £160,000 from firm over decade


A WORKER fleeced more than £160,000 from her company over a decade.

Samantha Tetley pleaded guilty to a charge of ‘theft by employee’ at Birmingham Crown Court.

The 53-year-old from the Black Country took a total of £161,477 from Nobisco over 12 years between September 2007 and April 2019.

Prosecutor Andrew Baker stated that was the sum which could be traced back to the defendant, however he also told the hearing there were £450,000 worth of ‘unexplaine­d credits’ over the period.

He did not go into the full circumstan­ces of the offence, including why she took the money and what she spent it on, as the case was adjourned.

Tetley, who had not previously committed a crime, will now be assessed by the probation service before she is sentenced later this year when the full facts of the case will be revealed. She was warned she faces a prison term, although it could be suspended.

Judge Sarah Buckingham said: “You have pleaded guilty to an extremely serious offence involving a significan­t sum of money. I am sure it has been explained to you you are facing a custodial sentence.

“You must come to court on the next occasion prepared for that. I have directed there should be a presentenc­e report to consider your background and explanatio­n. In doing so I make no promises and do not tie the hands of the sentencing court.”

Tetley, of Yare Grove, Willenhall, was granted bail until her sentencing hearing in September.

Nobisco, based at Nexus Point, in Witton, Birmingham, supplies consumable products such as goods for catering, packaging, hygiene, janitorial, safety and the automotive industry.

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