Birmingham Post

Inner city areas will pay the price as the rest of us go free

- Jonathan Walker

THE coronaviru­s infection rate will increase after remaining lockdown restrictio­ns end on July 19.

That’s not a controvers­ial statement. It’s a fact accepted by Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

But Mr Johnson argues that it’s right to end lockdown anyway, because vaccines will ensure those infections don’t result in people dying – or, at least, that the death rate is low.

That’s well and good, but what does it mean for people who haven’t been vaccinated?

There are parts of Birmingham where six out of ten people still haven’t had a first dose.

And one has to suspect that if they haven’t been vaccinated by now, they probably never will be.

Of course, I’d be delighted to be proved wrong.

Birmingham City council, the NHS and a range of community organisati­ons are doing their best to encourage people who have refused the vaccine to change their minds.

But as things stand, we know that 353,338 people in Birmingham have not had a first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.

That’s 36% of the over-18 population, more than a third. And 512,909 people, just over half the population, have not had two doses.

The figures come from a Birmingham City Council report, using data from July 6.

Of course, younger people had to wait until they were invited to get the vaccine.

This might explain why some people still haven’t had their second dose (there is an eight-week gap between doses).

But everyone over the age of 18 has been eligible for vaccinatio­n since June 17, providing plenty of time for them to get a first jab.

When we look at vaccine take-up in different parts of the city, it’s clear that some people are simply reluctant to get a jab.

In the inner-city Newtown ward, just 39.7% of the population has been vaccinated once.

It means 6,000 people out of the 10,000 people in the ward have not been vaccinated.

In the Holyhead ward, 41.2% have been vaccinated. In Nechells, 42.9% have been vaccinated.

By contrast, in Sutton Wylde

Green, a ward in Sutton Coldfield on the outskirts of the city, 86% of the population have had at least one dose. In Northfield ward it’s 81%, and in Hall Green South it’s 79%.

Inner city wards tend to have younger population­s than the Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield, which may partly explain why the figures are different.

However, that’s only part of the answer. The council’s figures also show that in Newtown, only 59.3% of people over 50 have received even one vaccinatio­n. In Holyhead, the vaccinatio­n rate for over-50s is 60.6%.

What’s going on? Dr Manir Aslam, a GP in Ladywood, speaking to the Post, put it like this: “Historical­ly we have always had difficulti­es in getting some people to take up preventive measures. Our flu campaigns, breast, bowel and cervical screening

programmes, other preventive campaigns see this hesitancy. There is a lack of trust, definitely, and educationa­l attainment levels are often lower, people are less likely to be informed by the data and detail, there is a lack of trust in national programmes particular­ly – and just an unwillingn­ess to expose themselves to things they are uncertain of.”

He said: “In affluent parts of Sutton Coldfield, GPs will simply say ‘we have vaccines’ and 95% of patients will stand in a line for hours and hours if need be and come in quietly and have their vaccine and be safe.”

Understand­ing the reasons for

vaccine hesitancy is important, of course. But as long as that hesitancy exists, it raises the question of what will happen to communitie­s with low vaccinatio­n rates once lockdown fully ends.

We know that infection rates are rising already, thanks to the spread of the virulent Delta variant of Covid. This is reflected in an increase in the number of people becoming seriously ill.

At University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, which runs hospitals in Birmingham and Solihull including the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, NHS figures show the number of Covid patients rose from 15 on May 30, to 43 on June 14, and 86 patients on July 6.

Those are the latest figures officially available from the NHS. In fact, University Hospital Birmingham is understood currently to have around 126 inpatients, including 20 in intensive care.

But experts say the changes to lockdown rules coming into force on July 19 will ensure infections spread even faster.

To give just one example of why this might happen, consider your local pub.

At the moment (assuming the rules are being obeyed) people are seated and spread out, with drinks delivered to their table. After July 19, standing at a crowded bar becomes possible again.

A study by Imperial College London, published by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencie­s (SAGE), the official body advising the government, said: “We estimate that lifting restrictio­ns on 19 July in the context of Delta could lead to a significan­t third wave of hospitalis­ations and deaths.”

It said that in the most optimistic scenario considered by scientists there could be 9,400 additional deaths by June 2022. In the most pessimisti­c, there could be 115,800.

Where are those deaths going to take place? I hope I’m proved wrong but it looks rather like the people of inner city Birmingham wards such as Newtown, Holyhead and Nechells are being asked to pay the price for lockdown ending.

One has to suspect that if they haven’t been vaccinated by now, they probably never will be

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 ??  ?? A Covid-19 vaccinatio­n centre in Small Heath, Birmingham – a third of the city is still unvaccinat­ed and half of people have only had one dose
A Covid-19 vaccinatio­n centre in Small Heath, Birmingham – a third of the city is still unvaccinat­ed and half of people have only had one dose

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