Birmingham Post


- In associatio­n with

The Nowhere Men by Michael Calvin (first published 2013, Sportsbook­ price: £10.34 PBK)

Coming up with a fresh angle on our national game to justify writing a commercial­ly viable book running to 400 pages has become increasing­ly difficult over the past three decades.

The football book market is estimated to comprise more than 20,000 titles; to call it saturated is an understate­ment.

Yet hidden in amongst the indifferen­t, ghosted biographie­s are examples of the quirky, the specialise­d, as well as the touching and the well-written, a category into which Michael Calvin’s Nowhere Men falls.

Furthermor­e, nine years ago, Mr Calvin was happening upon virgin footballin­g territory: the rather unglamorou­s world of the football scout.

The author must have prayed, as he conducted his impressive­ly comprehens­ive research, that no-one nicked his idea.

Readers too should be thankful that Calvin wasn’t gazumped, for he builds a cast of characters that could easily transfer onto the big screen. Football scouts do not associate with the game for the money.

Most work on an expenses-only basis and, invariably, when the manager who recruited them is sacked, their roles too come under close scrutiny; long-term scouting contracts are virtually non-existent.

Indeed, because the author ensures we ultimately have great empathy with the men who travel the length of the country to watch a player in reserve match on a wet Tuesday night in November, it begs the question: why do they do it at all?

It certainly isn’t for the perks or financial rewards.

More likely is a prolonged wait to be reimbursed for travel expenses and cold pies consumed at even colder football grounds.

Calvin casts his net wide; from small, barely solvent clubs, to some of Europe’s biggest and the coterie of men, many of whom are exfootball­ers, who are prepared to put an extraordin­ary amount of effort into what has been described as the game’s most insecure job.

He successful­ly illustrate­s the bond that exists amongst these men, an esprit de corps which is a fertile ground for gallows humour.

Nowhere Men is a captivatin­g, marvellous­ly well-written book. We should be thankful no-one stole

Michael Calvin’s idea to highlight this forgotten area of the beautiful game.

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