Birmingham Post

Council chases landlord over tenants’ debt 18 years ago


A FORMER landlord is being chased by debt collectors over a council tax demand dating back nearly 20 years.

Deen Adam was bemused to open a letter from an agency, working on behalf of Birmingham City Council, demanding he pay the authority £514 for alleged missed payments in 2006.

The dad said he was “astounded” and “angry” at the council’s “audacity”.

He questioned why the financiall­y-stricken authority had chosen to chase him for the historic bill instead of his former tenants who lived at the address in Runcorn Road, Balsall Heath.

Mr Adam, who has long-term health issues, said he was struggling to make a hot cuppa “let alone dig out files” and “go through old paperwork”.

In the letter, seen by the Birmingham Post, debt firm Equita wrote: “You have been sent this notice of enforcemen­t because you have not paid money you owe.

“A liability order was issued by the court for non-payment of council tax due to Birmingham City Council on 16/08/2006 for a period up to 08/12/2006.”

Mr Adam, who owned several properties in 2006, said he was upset and questioned the timing of the letter.

“Why could they not bring up this matter sooner?” he asked.

“Is it any wonder they’ve gone bankrupt? The property I owned had tenants in at the time. The council should be contacting them for the non-payment, not myself, the ex-landlord.

“I am really shocked and angry at the audacity of the council. I’m no longer a landlord and I’m suffering with long-term health issues and in receipt of disability benefits. It couldn’t have come at a worse time.

“I think this is truly unreasonab­le. How has it taken the best part of 20 years to discover this cold case?”

In a statement, Birmingham City Council said the tenancy agreement previously provided had “conflicted with other council tax records”. “Because of inconsiste­ncies, we asked for additional informatio­n [from Mr Adam],” added the authority.

“That was never provided so we held him liable as the landlord of an empty property.

“We would advise him to get in touch with us again to discuss.”

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