Birmingham Post

Government rules could see firm run out of steam

Substance used in fuel tablets for model engines now banned


AWEST Midlands firm that has been making model steam engines for nearly a century says its future is under threat because of a government ban on a substance used in the fuelling of its products.

Hexamine was banned in October because it can potentiall­y be used to make explosives.

But it has had a major knock-on effect for model company Mamod, based in Smethwick, which has been using hexamine fuel tablets in its steam engines for decades.

Bosses fear they could be forced to lay off staff and that the future of the entire business could even be under threat unless the government relaxes its rules around the sale of fuel containing the compound.

Under the strict rules, hexamine can still be bought in certain circumstan­ces, but customers must pay for a licence and hand over personal details, which Mamod fears will send sales plummeting.

Thousands of its live steam models bought over the years are likely to be sitting in homes.

The company, which dates back to 1936, is now facing a major overhaul of the business, costing around £50,000.

Huge amounts of stock may also have to be binned, losing the firm more money.

It is reluctant to sell the engines without the fuel as it’s “like buying a

What the government fails to see is the wide range of people this affects. Tom Lockrey

torch and having no batteries for it”, and bosses feel they’d be doing their customers a disservice. Mamod’s Tom Lockrey explained: “It is impacting our business in a major way as we have over £8,500 in orders to dispatch, which we are holding onto for now, as we won’t ship them without the fuel.

“Also, we have eight employees who will need to get paid at the end of the month with no money technicall­y coming in, as we won’t take the payment until all products are ready to dispatch.”

The firm is calling on the government to relax the rules around the sale of hexamine for companies like theirs that are selling the substance in a safe and controlled way.

Mr Lockrey added: “What the government

fails to see is the wide range of people this affects.

“We have started a petition to allow us to sell the products in a regulated manor, such as a maximum of three boxes per customer without requiring any sort of identifica­tion.

“This is currently stopping £8,500 in orders from going out, as over 75% of our products need to run on this hexamine-based fuel.”

 ?? ?? Mamod’s Tom Lockrey with one of its model steam traction engines that runs on hexamine fuel
Mamod’s Tom Lockrey with one of its model steam traction engines that runs on hexamine fuel

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