Black Country Bugle

Cold, cramped, and a lovely place to work


IN response to Mr T.S. White’s letter in the Bugle’s July 4 edition, regarding the newspaper kiosk at the bottom of Birdcage Walk.

My name is Kathleen Whitehouse, and I live in Quarry Bank. I worked in that kiosk when it first opened in late 1961, until I left in late 1962. I was Kathleen Robinson then.


The kiosk belonged to Perks and Hawker, who had a shop in Castle Street, opposite the Angel pub. I went to work with them when I left school at Christmas 1959.

The manager’s name was Eddie Tomlinson, and the shop was closed when the kiosk was opened.

The other lady who worked with me in the kiosk was Gail Harris. Her husband was called Geoff, and they had a daughter named Karen. I haven’t seen Gail for more than fifty years.

Some of our best customers were the bus drivers and conductors, due to the kiosk being very close to the Fisher Street terminus.

The Plaza and Odeon cinemas used to display their posters on the kiosk, and my boyfriend and me (he’s now my husband) used to go most Sundays and get the best seats free of charge.

I remember the singer Frankie Vaughan coming to open Stanton’s Music Shop right by the kiosk. I think it was January 1962.

It was very cold in the kiosk in the winter months. But it was very enjoyable meeting all the different people. They were happy times and it feels good to reminisce.

Mrs K Whitehouse, Quarry Bank

 ??  ?? Looking across the car park below Birdcage Walk, towards Rumbelows, you can just make out the little kiosk in the centre of the image. Stanton’s Music Shop originally occupied the Rumbelows can just see some of the bus shelters on the right, part of the Fisher Street bus terminus, and the Angel pub behind them at far right
Looking across the car park below Birdcage Walk, towards Rumbelows, you can just make out the little kiosk in the centre of the image. Stanton’s Music Shop originally occupied the Rumbelows can just see some of the bus shelters on the right, part of the Fisher Street bus terminus, and the Angel pub behind them at far right
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