Black Country Bugle

Your Stars


SCORPIO Time is on your side as you trip your way through the light fantastic. Be mindful of your abilities and try to give what help you can to those who need support. The empathetic side to your nature should be uppermost. LUCKY NUMBER 12

SAGITTARIU­S You seem to be a bit like a bird in a trance at the moment. But take heart, all will be made clear when that intrepid planet Jupiter eases off energy in your sign. Then you can really get down to making your presence known. LUCKY NUMBER 1

CAPRICORN A happier atmosphere should prevail now as others give you the support that you need. It’s a bostin’ time for teamwork and cooperatio­n. Maybe you and the significan­t other can hang-up the tinsel together. LUCKY NUMBER 29 AQUARIUS It’s time to let the moths fly from wherever you keep that filthy lucre, you can’t afford to appear to be Scrooge-like at this time of the year. A kind gesture to someone special could keep you out of the dog home for a long while. LUCKY NUMBER 33

PISCES It is important to fill your time wisely as you move into a really hectic couple of weeks. At last you can let your hair down and have a ball; you’ll become life and soul of the party. LUCKY NUMBER 4

ARIES Spending binges, impulsive buys and big transactio­ns could all figure very prominentl­y as you make your way forward into a better financial climate. You could expect a windfall anytime soon. LUCKY NUMBER 3 TAURUS Take no notice of people who want to put you off doing the things that you feel are important. It’s all a matter of trusting your own judgment and not changing your mind. What do they know? LUCKY NUMBER 8

GEMINI Lady Luck is smiling in your direction, which should make life much easier for you as you approach one of the happiest times of your life for some time. Expect a bonanza around the end of the your week. LUCKY NUMBER 20

CANCER You may feel as high and mighty as the fairy on the Christmas tree, and why not? You deserve a lucky break and at long last it looks as if there is one well and truly on its way. Seize it when it comes! LUCKY NUMBER 6 LEO Your love life and especially close relationsh­ips look very well aspected. Someone is definitely on your side and the position of Venus, the planet of love, indicates that where true love is involved only good fortune will follow. LUCKY NUMBER 17

VIRGO Everything looks kushti on the homefront so you can don the PJS and slippers and enjoy lazy days ahead. You can safely sit back whilst others do the donkey work and you have fun. LUCKY NUMBER 21

LIBRA This is the week when you really can have your cake and eat it. Love, money and luck are all very well aspected, so you could be in for a few really good surprises. LUCKY NUMBER 19

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