Black Country Bugle

Ancestors from my family’s “rich” side


AS ever, everything in Bugle 1367, November 7, interested me but I was most intrigued to read about “Broncho Bill,” John Swallow, who became the paternal grandfathe­r of the late John Swallow, who used to work for ATV Midlands Today as a reporter.

I am related to his maternal grandfathe­r Thomas Postons. Thomas was born on November 12, 1881 and his twin sister Sabina became my maternal grandmothe­r.

A few months ago you featured an article about glass makers in Wordsley, Stourbridg­e. You mentioned a gentleman by the name of William Guest, who may have been my greatgreat or even great-great-greatgrand­father, as their name was Guest. They were noteworthy glass makers from the area.

My great-great-grandparen­ts were maried at Holy Trinity Church, their daughter Sabina married and became Sabina Postons, the mother of Arthur Postons, Thomas and Sabina Postons, already mentioned, and Hilda Postons, who married Henry (Harry) Hall, who was employed in the newspaper business. They emigrated to America in 1910, where they were ordained as church ministers. My great-aunt worked more or less full time as a pastor but my great-uncle (by marriage) continued to work for a newspaper company. I think he may have had his own business.

They were from the “rich” side of the family! I am descended from the poorer side, which is not all that uncommon; it happened a lot in that era and it still happens today, of course.

Thank you as always for your marvellous paper, as well as your help over the years. It is truly and sincerely appreciate­d. Alison Russon Cradley

 ??  ?? John Swallow also known as Broncho Bill
John Swallow also known as Broncho Bill

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