Black Country Bugle

That Molineux look – ’70s football fashions


A recent Bugle article which drew attention to the sartorial delights of past Wolves players delighted our regular correspond­ent and life-long Wolves fan Clive Corbett, who writes:

“That was a great piece by Dan Shaw in the November 18 edition, about sideburns and long hair at Wolves in the past.

“He featured favourites Derek Dougan, Frank Munro and Jim Mccalliog, but he left out the two greats of that era – King John Richards and captain Mike Bailey, both of whom I’ve supplied photograph­s of from the early 1970s.” Bailey is pictured, above, with a deep fat fryer, while wife Barbara is carrying a tray of teacups. Mike’s hair was shorter than it would later become, but those sideburns are a pretty decent size. Can anyone tell us what the Baileys were up to in this picture? We’re guessing that’s not their kitchen, given the amount of tea they were brewing up.

Sadly, Molineux broke the news last week that Mike is one of an increasing number of former players to have been recently diagnosed with dementia, and our best wishes go out to Mike and his family.


Mike’s team-mate John Richards made criminally few appearance­s for England, given his talent and goal tally, but Clive’s photograph shows him in the white shirt with the Three Lions, sporting an impressive mane of his own.

But if it’s hair we’re talking, as Clive points out, there can only ever be one winner – defender George Berry, pictured top right.

Goalkeeper Gary Pierce was wearing his locks well over his ears in 1976, but Molineux legend Derek Dougan was a man who could give Madonna a run for her money when it came to experiment­ing with his image.

In early 1960s, before the Beatles brushed their fringes forward and most young men wore short back and sides or a teddy boy quiff, The Doog went the full Yul Brynner and shaved his the

head. A decade later he had as wild a mop as anyone from a 1970s episode of Top of the Pops, complement­ed with sideburns and a Lee Van Cleef moustache. There was only one Derek Dougan.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Derek Dougan in 1973, wild locks flowing, moustache and matching sideburns
Derek Dougan in 1973, wild locks flowing, moustache and matching sideburns
 ??  ?? King John sporting an England shirt and a big barnet
King John sporting an England shirt and a big barnet
 ??  ?? Mike Bailey frying some chips, while wife Barbara takes out the tea
Mike Bailey frying some chips, while wife Barbara takes out the tea
 ??  ?? Always a man of extremes .... the Doog as a skinhead in 1961
Always a man of extremes .... the Doog as a skinhead in 1961
 ??  ?? George Berry in August 1979. (©Mirrorpix)
George Berry in August 1979. (©Mirrorpix)
 ??  ?? Gary Pierce, August 1976, ©Mirrorpix
Gary Pierce, August 1976, ©Mirrorpix

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