Black Country Bugle



This two-speed crossword has two sets of clues, but just one grid. If you can’t solve the Cryptic clues, try the Quick.

Cryptic Across

6. It should have a safety pin

in it (7) 7. It’s used in many longlegged girl’s stockings (5) 9. Current measure gives a

start to a politician (3) 10. One hopes he doesn’t

make marginal mistakes (9) 12. Working – like a

surgeon? (2,9) 15. He doesn’t engage in

serious pursuits (11) 17. He steps on many feet! (9) 19. Exactly what is required for

encouragem­ent (3) 21. I’d get one to come back

as a fool (5) 22. It’s on earth, perhaps, but

not this one (7)


1. State of mind – or body (5) 2. Object and don’t go on (3) 3. A form of need where there

was none (4) 4. Ruling lines (9) 5. So behold a Scotsman

who’s wise! (7) 8. Swear about nothing and

run (6) 11. Result of a big blow to the

economy? (9) 13. Girls admired by servicemen,

though stuck-up (3-3) 14. Those out of touch may

want to pick them up (7) 16. Rollers – or made by rollers (5) 18. Beaten hollow (4) 20. Litter depository? (3)

Quick Across

6. Hand-thrown explosive (7) 7. Man-made material (5) 9. Unit of current (3) 10. Critic (9) 12. Working (2,9) 15. Playboy (11) 17. Many-legged creature (9) 19. Tap (3) 21. Fool (5) 22. One more (7)


1. Snooker game (5) 2. Finish (3) 3. Paradise (4) 4. Powerful families (9) 5. Wise king (7) 8. Route (6) 11. Price increases (9) 13. Posters (3-3) 14. Strands (7) 16. Rollers (5) 18. Hollow (4) 20. Pigpen (3)

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