Black Country Bugle



When it comes to growyour-own fruit, blackcurra­nts are often overlooked. The bushes have a reputation for growing so big that people worry they won’t fit into modern gardens.

However, there are also compact varieties available. Instead of huge bushes that could easily reach 6ft high and just as wide, Ben Connan and Ben Sarek are around half that size and produce huge crops, up to 10lb per plant.

The jewel in the crown of blackcurra­nt breeding has always been to find a variety with fruit sweet enough to eat raw. Look for Big Ben and Noiroma. You can eat them raw as you walk round the garden but they are also fun in fruit salads, great in smoothies and a must for summer puddings. As a bonus they are far less fussy about their growing conditions than other fruit trees, bushes or canes.

Though the plants love very rich, rather heavy and moisture-retentive soil, they don’t object if it’s on the wet side. They positively adore manure – the more the merrier. Order now and plant any time over winter if you’re buying by post, with bare roots.

However, you can plant a pot-grown blackcurra­nt any time you like, even during the growing season so long as you keep it well watered.

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