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Indecent images man escapes jail term

- Court Reporter

A man who downloaded pictures - and a vile video - from the internet of children being sexually abused was spared a jail term at Perth Sheriff Court last week.

Instead, 46-year-old Mark Allan Thomson, of Glenshee Drive, Rattray, was told to complete 300 hours of unpaid work.

He will also be supervised for two years as part of a Community Payback Order. His name has already been added to the Sex Offenders’ Register. He was to have been sentenced last month but failed to appear after his solicitor revealed he was in Perth Royal Infirmary.

Lawyer John McLaughlin told the court last Wednesday that Thomson had “certain problems” dealing with the case and had been to see his doctor.

He was now on “suitable medication” after a follow-up visit.

The court heard that officers obtained a search warrant for Thomson’s home after receiving a tip-off that he might be in possession of illegal images. And when computer equipment seized by officers was forensical­ly examined, they discovered one Category A video - the most depraved - and seven Category C photograph­s.

Thomson admitted downloadin­g indecent photograph­s of children at his home between April 11, 2013, and March 28, 2015.

Depute fiscal Charmaine Cole said the equipment was examined by Police Scotland’s Technical Support Unit. It was discovered that searches had been made on the internet for under-age girls and some indecent material was recovered. It had been “deleted” but experts were able to recover it following a “full interrogat­ion” of the confiscate­d equipment.

He was initially detained but not arrested until a full technical analysis was carried out,” added the fiscal.

“He made no comment when cautioned and charged.”

The depute fiscal added: “Because of the small amount, it was decided to deal with the case at summary level.”

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