Blairgowrie Advertiser

Speakeraim­s tobringfit­ness toeveryone


The first Growbiz XChange meeting of the year takes place on Thursday this week.

One of speakers at this month’s meeting is Susie Black.

Susie is a personal trainer who has been working towards improving peoples’ health in the Blairgowri­e area for over 12 years and who says that understand­ing pain and the role that exercise can play in managing it has driven her desire to bring fitness to all.

Her current project is a workplace wellness initiative which aims to encourage employers to prioritise exercise for their staff.

The XChange meetings are a great opportunit­y to meet with other rural enterprise­s and support organisati­ons in an informal setting.

Everyone is welcome to come along and bring their business cards and flyers.

The event, which takes place from 6pm until 8.30pm on Thursday, January 26 at the Angus Hotel in Blairgowri­e, is free. A light buffet will be available from 6pm. To secure your place, see the events section of the Growbiz website at

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