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Man sent abuse to baby assault woman


A woman, spared jail after she left a baby girl badly brain damaged in a series of attacks, received several violent threats on social media, Perth Sheriff Court heard.

Shannon Soutter, of Blairgowri­e, was branded a “pure beast” in one of the messages.

And 26 year-old William McPhee, of Glenalmond Road, Rattray, warned her: “I swear to God, if I ever see you around Blair, I’ll batter f*** out of you – and so will my missus.”

Soutter walked free from Glasgow High Court in September, 2019, after she admitted attacking the six-month-old child while apparently looking after her at a house in Arbroath.

She was ordered to complete 300 hours of unpaid work and be supervised for three years after she admitted assaulting the girl to her severe injury, permanent impairment and to the danger of her life.

She had originally been charged with attempting to murder the infant.

Lord Turnbull said she had been struggling with “a history of depression” and other personal issues at the time.

And he added that it was “neither appropriat­e – or necessary” to lock her up.

The court heard that the child suffered brain injuries in April, 2018, as well as fractures to her skull, ribs and ankle.

Medics described her prognosis as “poor,” adding she may have permanent blindness.

McPhee appeared in the dock for sentence after previously admitting that he behaved in a threatenin­g or abusive manner by repeatedly swearing, making derogatory remarks and uttering threats of violence towards Ms Soutter.

The social media posts were made from his home on January 25, 2021.

Depute fiscal Andrew Harding told the court that there was “a lot of media attention” on the back of the case involving the child.

Ms Soutter had returned to live with her family when she received the first message on January 25.

It came from an account in the name of William McPhee and was followed by abusive threats.

Mr Harding added: “Given the nature of these messages, the complainer contacted the police.”

The accused later attended voluntaril­y at Blairgowri­e Police Station and during interview made “full admissions.”

Solicitor Billy Somerville said his client had experience­d “difficulti­es in the past.”

He stayed with his partner and two young children and was in receipt of Universal Credits.

The lawyer suggested that a level one Community Payback Order might be appropriat­e as any financial penalty would affect the family.

Sheriff William Wood said he was “attracted to that prospect” and deferred sentence for background reports until July 14.

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