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Hunt is on for new FM


Perthshire North MSP John Swinney has paid tribute to departing First Minister Humza Yousaf.

Mr Yousaf announced he was stepping down during an address at Bute House in Edinburgh yesterday, just days before a vote on his leadership was expected.

He said:“After spending the weekend reflecting on what is best for my party, for the government and for the country I lead I have concluded that repairing our relationsh­ip across the political divide can only be done with someone else at the helm.

“I have therefore informed the SNP’s national secretary of my intention to stand down as party leader and asks that she commences a leadership contest for my replacemen­t as soon as possible.”

MrYousaf’s announceme­nt comes in the wake of the SNP’s power-sharing agreement with the Greens at Holyrood being brought to an end on Thursday last week.

While he said it was “the right decision”, Mr Yousaf explained: “Unfortunat­ely in ending the Bute House Agreement in the matter I did I clearly underestim­ated the level of hurt and upset that caused Green colleagues.

“For a minority government to be able to govern effectivel­y, trust when working with the opposition is clearly fundamenta­l.”

He added a route through the noconfiden­ce vote was “absolutely possible”.

But he stressed:“I am not willing to trade in my values or principles or do deals with whomever simply for retaining power.”

Following the news, Mr Swinney – a former leader of the SNP who has served as Deputy First Minister – said:“I am terribly sorry that the First Minster has decided to step down.

“Humza Yousaf has been a pioneer – the first person of colour to hold office as First Minister.

“He has given principled and empathetic leadership to our country and has worked tirelessly to bring people together.

“I wish Humza, his wife Nadia and their family well in all that lies ahead.”

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