Bow International

Thirsk Bowmen on tour


A handful of archers have started to make the indoor circuit their home every year, and a trio of recurve-toting Yorkshirem­en have now appeared at all open indoor events this year – and they've got Nimes and Vegas on the list for this season too. Tom Fewz, Leslie Day and Malcolm Dukes, all members of Thirsk Bowmen in North Yorkshire, shot in Rome. "Normally there's four of us, but one couldn't make it. In 2016 we did Vegas and Marrakesh, last season we did a few more, now we're doing every event." said Day.

Two of the three are retired, but interestin­gly, none of them are veteran archers, all taking up the sport between six and eight years ago. "I wished I'd done it sooner, to be honest. It's great fun. We meet all kinds of people."

"It's probably the only sport you can stand on the line with the Olympic champion, with all the top people." said Dukes. "We thoroughly enjoy it. It's company and everything. All the archers here, they'll all talk to you, all share their knowledge. You can get good ideas from the vendors too."

"This year we've brought our wives with us. It's a holiday for them and work for us. They're shopping!" said Day.

How long will you keep at this? "As long as we can." said Dukes. "We enjoy it. Even if I have to turn to the dark side and go compound. [the others boo him gently at this point] It's testing. You do your best, regardless of circumstan­ces. I like the travel. It's just good. It's worth doing."

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