Bow International

Huston on the mend


British internatio­nal Patrick Huston has been slightly off the front lines of competitio­n this year after unfortunat­ely contractin­g Lyme disease, a viral infection of the nervous system which can be difficult to shift. He has been tackling the disease with his usual elan and spoke to Bow earlier this month:

"I have been undergoing treatment for the symptoms of Lyme disease, which can take many forms and is caused by Spirochete­s bacteria. Often those afflicted with Lyme disease suffer from aches, fatigues, bulls-eye rashes, and a variety of potential neurologic­al symptoms. Why? A few hours sat on the grass in a meadow near a marsh close to my home. I found out by developing feverish symptoms, sweating and swelling at the bite sites, I had small pieces embedded in them and a red ring around them. Later that week I developed various neurologic­al symptoms, most noticeably muscles moving and twitching on their own accord.

I’ve been under Doxycyclin­e (antibiotic) treatment for three months, which unfortunat­ely rendered me very sensitive to sunlight. One of the biggest things I’ve been doing has been Wim Hof breathing techniques. This is a powerful practice involving cold exposure and lots of breath work. This has been some of the most beneficial to my symptoms. I’ve learnt that Lyme can be treated effectivel­y if caught quickly - if you ever develop a red ring around a bite get to A&E! I’ve also learnt a lot about the lymphatic system, the nervous system and flexibilit­y, I’ve been working archery movements into yoga style exercises to keep my conditioni­ng."

Lyme disease is a particular problem for field archers who can spend a long time in the woods and in undergrowt­h, and long trousers tucked into socks, long sleeves and bug spray are almost always recommende­d for field competitio­n, along with carefully checking yourself for bites after a session anywhere there might be ticks.

 ??  ?? Patrick Huston
Patrick Huston

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