Boxing News


Jack Stringer on how he rediscover­ed his love for boxing

- Q&A

WHAT were your highlights of 2017?

I got to the [75kgs] quarter-final of the ABAS. I got beat by Ben Whittaker. I won the English title belt as well. I thought I done alright against [Whittaker]. It was my first time back in the ring in nearly two years. That was only my fourth senior fight. It was the first time I entered the senior championsh­ips. It was good to jump straight in there with him.

It was my first time in the seniors, first time back in three years, so it was good.

I boxed against the Finland national champion up in Catterick. It was the Army against Finland so I stepped in against the Finland champion [Santeri Laine]. He was quite good and strong. I started off boxing very well and got drawn into a bit of a war with him. Which I enjoyed so that was good.

How would you described your own style as a boxer?

Sort of front foot counter-puncher. I like being on my front foot a lot, moving my head, throwing a lot of shots. I’m quite aggressive myself but sometimes I switch it up a bit. My main style is coming forward.

How come you’ve been out for three years?

I joined the Royal Marines. I took a year out before and took my time out for training as well. It’s something I’d always wanted to do. It’s something different away from boxing. I wanted to do something different. And I box for the Marines now so it’s quite good.

It’s quite different [training in the Marines]. It’s a lot more carrying a lot of weight, yomping loads of distance, doing all the tests and that. It was a lot different. I really enjoyed the soldiering side of it. Did your experience as a boxer help?

Definitely the boxing helped me a lot through marine training. Even though they’re physically strong, being used to boxing training helped me a lot.

What was your experience before the Marines?

I’d won three national titles before, I won the schoolboys, Junior ABAS and CYPS. I’d had quite a few bouts before I joined the Marines. I boxed for England a couple times as a Junior and then as a Youth.

So how did it feel to get back to it?

I had my first fight back in Australia with the Navy. That was a good experience. I enjoyed getting back in. I thought going to Australia it would be worth boxing one more time. I started enjoying it. I started getting the love back for it.

 ?? Photo: CHRIS BEVAN/ENGLAND BOXING ?? IN DEEP: Stringer reaches for Whittaker in the Elite championsh­ips
Photo: CHRIS BEVAN/ENGLAND BOXING IN DEEP: Stringer reaches for Whittaker in the Elite championsh­ips

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