Bristol Post

Swimmers warned to avoid lake after tests show bug in water

- Heather PICKSTOCK Clevedon Marine Lake

PEOPLE are being advised not to swim in Clevedon’s Marine Lake after high levels of the bug E. coli were found in the water.

Members of the Marine Lake Enthusiast­s Society (Marlens) took samples of water from the lake on last Tuesday following reports of people suffering from ear infections after swimming in the seafront attraction.

Results arrived back at Marlens headquarte­rs which reported E. coli in the water.

The levels are higher than recommende­d for bathing under EU guidelines.

People are now being advised not to swim in the lake until the water is refreshed by higher tides.

Posting on the Facebook page, Hello Clevedon, mum Trudy Hamer said: “Just a heads up.

“My daughter has had earache for a few days.

“I’ve taken her to the GP this morning, confirmed an ear infection, the doc we saw said that they’ve had way above the expected amount of ear infections over the past week or so, all the people they’ve diagnosed, including my daughter, have been swimming in Marine Lake.

“She said that she was going to contact environmen­tal health as there is obviously a problem bug in the water.

“So might be good to avoid at the moment.”

Marlens chairman Joe Norman said: “The lake has been heavily used since the water was last refreshed by the tide and the weather has been very hot.

“We have had some anecdotal reports of a higher than average number of ear infections in people who have been using the lake.

“We are taking the matter very seriously.

“We are currently advising people to avoid swimming in the lake until the issue is resolved.”

Mr Norman said that higher tides were expected in Clevedon from last night, which would overtop the lake and start to refresh the water.

Further samples will be taken during the week.

He said: “In hot weather, swimming in any lake should be treated with caution.

“We cannot stop people from swimming in the lake but are advising people – especially families with young children – not to use it until the water is replenishe­d, he added.

The lake is owned by North Somerset Council and leased to the Marlens.

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