Bristol Post

Mugger sprayed burning substance in pensioner’s face


A POLICE manhunt continues after a mugger sprayed a burning substance into the face of a 74-yearold woman and stole her handbag at a park in Fishponds.

The despicable attacked happened on the Oldbury Court Estate, also known as Vassals Park, at around 5.10pm on Tuesday, May 29.

Police released an appeal for informatio­n after the attack but no arrests have been made six weeks later, prompting officers to renew their call for informatio­n.

Investigat­ing officer PC Martin Hudd, with Avon and Somerset Police, said: “We had an amazing response from the public following our initial appeal but unfortunat­ely we’ve still not been able to identify the man responsibl­e.

“The descriptio­n of the offender is so distinctiv­e that I believe someone must have informatio­n which could help us solve this case.

“And so I appeal to anyone who thinks they might know who the man is who has not yet spoken to us to get in touch - your informatio­n could bring justice to the vulnerable victim.”

The woman, who is 74 but has not been named, was sitting on a bench in Vassals Park on the Oldbury Court Estate, when she was approached by a strange-looking man.

He squirted an unknown liquid in her face, which burnt the vic- tim’s skin and eyes and she was taken to hospital for treatment.

It is thought the substance was not acid, but while inquiries have not identified the liquid, it is believed to be an acidic food stuff.

The attacker is described as white, in his late 30s, around 5ft 8ins tall and of medium build. He was described as having an unkempt appearance with receding black hair and a large bushy beard. He is said to have spoken with an educated accent.

He was wearing a couple of dark coloured waterproof coats and light green trousers which were torn and tattered at the bottoms.

He wore red and blue canvas type trainers and was riding a dark coloured straight handlebar pushbike with numerous plastic carrier bags on each handle.

Speaking shortly after the attack, PC Hudd said: “This was an alarming attack on a vulnerable woman as she walked her dog in a public park.

“Fortunatel­y, she has not suffered any long-term damage from the substance but this was still a very distressin­g ordeal for her.

“The victim has been able to provide an excellent descriptio­n of her attacker and I’m appealing for anyone who recognises this to get in touch.”

If you can help please call 101 and provide the call handler with the reference 5218 117 292.

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