Bristol Post

SOAP watch

Your guide to all the drama in the Square, on the cobbles and in the Dales



DAZ, right centre, is falling deeper and deeper into a web of lies, especially after Amelia broke down to him and came clean.

Crying her eyes out, she admitted: “It was me that took your car.”

Now that the police are quizzing her, Daz is riddled with guilt, while Dan and Kerry try to reassure her.

Later on, a panicked Daz is desperate to escape. So he comes up with a plan – he secretly looks into booking flights out of the country.


ALFIE gads about saying he’s going to make Christmas perfect and it’s like we’ve gone back in time. He insists he wants to help with the baby, but he will first need to solve the overcrowdi­ng problem at the Slaters’.

Meanwhile, Linda, pictured, prepares The Vic’s grotto, with Stuart delighted at wearing Mick’s Santa costume. But Linda feels downcast when she finds out that Ollie is missing Mick. Also, Jean beats off competitio­n to get the choir solo.

CORONATION STREET ITV, 7.30pm & 8.30pm

AFTER Sinead’s revelation­s about her cancer treatment, Daniel is furious, blaming Steff for everything.

But Sinead reveals that Steff only has days to live. Later at the hospital, Daniel tells Ken the truth about Sinead as she is told she needs to start chemo as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Jenny is suspicious when Liz asks if she can slip away for an hour. Also, Toyah, pictured with Imran, is annoyed to discover Nick has plans to move in to the flat.

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