Bristol Post

Court Attacker ordered to pay his victim £5,000

- Daniel CHIPPERFIE­LD daniel.chipperfie­

AJUDGE has ordered a man who attacked someone in a bar to pay them £5,000. Carl Newberry carried out an unprovoked attack on Gary Watts at the Britannia Bar in Weston-superMare, Bristol Crown Court heard.

Having shoved him from behind, Newberry tried to headbutt Mr Watts and punched him with a glass in his hand, injuring his left ear.

The court was told Watts used to date Newberry’s wife.

Newberry, 40, of Trewartha Park in Weston-super-Mare, pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm in July.

Judge Martin Picton told him: “It clearly crosses the custodial threshold.

“It merits loss of liberty.

“You caused really serious harm to the victim who is still bearing the scars and still suffering symptoms.”

The judge said, however, that he would defer sentence for six months on condition Newberry raises £5,000 compensati­on for Mr Watts.

Newberry was also told to keep out of trouble and have no contact with Mr Watts.

Judge Picton added: “If you do anything antagonist­ic towards him all bets will be off. If you abide, custody will be suspended.”

Sentence was adjourned to June 13 next year. Neil Treharne, prosecutin­g, described how Newberry walked across the packed bar, pushed Mr Watts from behind and trouble flared.

“Mr Watts turned around and the defendant tries to headbutt him,” he said. “Mr Watts tries to defend himself and throws a punch.

“Mr Newberry swings a glass to Mr Watts’ left ear and the glass smashes. There was an injury to Mr Watts’ ear.”

The court heard Mr Watts spoke to police but Newberry left in a Mercedes van.

Newberry was arrested from his home and told police Mr Watts was his wife’s ex-partner.

He claimed Mr Watts had smirked and stared at him and a confrontat­ion ensued.

Newberry claimed to have been put into a headlock, said he felt threatened and had not intended to hit Mr Watts with a glass.

Mr Watts made an impact statement in which he said the incident left him with problems with his ear as well as anxiety and a loss of earnings.

He said such was his mental fragility that there had been an occasion when he was “spooked” by someone on a disabled scooter.

Nadeem Aullybocus, defending, said his client was a hard-working family man who had acted out of character and was unlikely to be reconvicte­d.

Mr Aullybocus said: “He is described as being remorseful. He is described as being upset. He is described as being someone who is very self-critical.”

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