Bristol Post

Admin worker took £26,000 from firm


A TRUSTED admin worker looking after a electrical firm’s finances fleeced it out of £26,000.

Mother-of-three Amanda Elford admitted redirectin­g the money with fake accounting, Bristol Crown Court heard.

She said she had not funded high living, but just used the purloined cash on living expenses.

Elford, 42, of Blackthorn Square in Clevedon, pleaded guilty to two charges of fraud by abuse of position.

Judge Paul Cook handed her a 16-month jail term, suspended for 18 months, with 160 hours’ unpaid work.

He also ordered Elford to pay £5,500 in compensati­on.

The judge told her: “You are extremely sorry for what you have done.

“There was no lavish lifestyle. “You told the police you didn’t have to have the money.

“You’ve saved up £2,000 to put right something of the wrong you committed.”

Neil Treharne, prosecutin­g, said Elford worked for J and AW Sully Accountant­s when she handled finances for electrical firm Dennis Gardiner and Co Ltd.

When she went on holiday, a discrepanc­y was identified when a customer of the electricia­n said it had paid a bill said to be outstandin­g.

Elford returned from leave, was told about the problem, and resigned via email due to “medical issues”, Mr Treharne said.

An investigat­ion revealed she had taken £26,235.15 of the electrical company’s money by bank transfers.

Harry Ahuja, defending, said: “She is extremely sorry to both her former employer and client for what she has done.”

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