Bristol Post

Robyn begins search for half-brother after egg donor discovery

- Sarah TURNNIDGE Robyn Ranford

It’s so strange to know that I’m related to someone who could realistica­lly be anywhere in the world

AWOMAN who found out she was conceived at a Bristol fertility clinic is searching for her half brother after meeting her egg donor.

Robyn Ranford, 22, who now lives in London, while studying as a postgradua­te research student in 2018 met the egg donor who helped her parents conceive.

Robyn found out she was conceived from an egg donor aged 16, after her mother died of breast cancer.

Scared that she may be geneticall­y predispose­d to the disease, she decided to tell her father about her worries - at which point he told her that she had been conceived by via IVF at the Bristol Fertility Clinic.

In addition to the shocking revelation, Robyn also discovered that she wasn’t biological­ly related to her half sister.

Grieving the loss of her mother and dealing with the emotions

associated with finding out that she was not biological­ly related to her mum and sister, Robyn waited four years before deciding to try to find the woman who had donated her eggs to the clinic.

“It was an incredibly complex thing to deal with,” Robyn explained. “I was processing the loss of my mum and also suddenly felt as though I wasn’t sure of half of myself. “That feeling lasted for four years, but for a long time I tried to push that curiosity away as much as possible and just get on with life.” It wasn’t until 2017 that Robyn decided to reach out to the Human Fertilisat­ion and Embryology Authority (HFEA) – the regulating body for egg donation in the UK – which holds records on the identity of donors.

The laws about the anonymity of egg donors changed in 2005, after which point some donors – including Robyn’s biological mother – consented to their name and contact details being held. Robyn Ranford and, left, with her mother who died of breast cancer

Later that year, Robyn was given the contact details for Angie, the egg donor who helped her parents to concieve.

It was six months before she got in contact, but in February 2018 she decided to take the plunge and email Angiel.

“It must have been really strange for her, to just be going about her day and then suddenly get this email from her biological daughter – someone she didn’t even know really existed,” said Robyn.

“It was quite a long time before I was ready to reach out, but I’m really glad I did – we met in the May and have stayed in contact ever since.

“Even though I felt like I was fully ready before the meeting and had seen pictures of her it was still quite a shock to come face to face with someone that looks just like you and even has similar mannerisms.

“It’s a very complex, pretty weird situation but it’s answered so many questions I had. I feel like there’s a part of myself that I know much better than I did before.”

Whilst contacting the HFEA Robyn was also given the option to find out if she had any half-siblings from the donation at the fertility clinic. She took the opportunit­y, and discovered that she had a halfbrothe­r who was born in 1996.

Beyond the year of his birth, she has no details at all about his identity and has since started trying to find him.

“It’s really difficult because he may not even know that he was born as a result of an egg donor.

“He could know and not be bothered about finding out the identity of the egg donor, or he might actually want to get in touch.

“It’s so strange to know that I’m related to someone who could realistica­lly be anywhere in the world, in any situation. I have no idea what could happen, but I’d love to meet them.”

If you think you have any details that could help Robyn with her search, please email robynranfo­

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