Bristol Post

SOAP watch

Your guide to all the drama in the Square, on the cobbles and in the Dales



TENSIONS are still running high in the Sharma household, as Jai furiously blames Rishi and Manpreet for the mess they’re in.

And they get worse when Rishi learns what his son is planning – and with whom. Kim’s holding out for a better deal, pictured, and seemingly enjoying putting pressure on them all to get what she wants. Elsewhere, Robert is keen to persuade Aaron to go ahead with finding a new surrogate and Jessie is facing the governors in a meeting.


DESPITE having chest pains, Mick has the bright idea to go for a run. Bex spots him struggling and offers some tips, then grows more concerned when it becomes clear the landlord is in some serious pain.

Bright idea number two finds him refereeing the kids’ football match, and the crowd are left shocked when he collapses on the pitch. Over at Walford East, Iqra and Bobby discuss his interest in Islam, pictured, and she encourages him to tell his family.

CORONATION STREET ITV, 7.30pm & 8.30pm

IT’S bad news for the Underworld crew, as Sarah reveals the insurance payout won’t be enough to rebuild the factory.

Her unlikely knight in shining armour might just be Gary, who decides to introduce her to his business associate Derek, who could invest. He would buy the land and rent it back to them, on condition that Gary gets to do the rebuilding. Now there’s irony. Elsewhere, Steve is upset as it seems Evelyn is turning the shop into a branch of Paddy Power, pictured.

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