Bristol Post

Football Rovers won’t risk the fitness of marksman Clarke-Harris


THE good news is Bristol Rovers have no new injuries, the bad news is star striker Jonson Clarke-Harris remains a significan­t doubt to face Wycombe Wanderers tomorrow.

Gas manager Graham Coughlan also revealed defender Tareiq Holmes-Dennis and winger Sam Matthews both face up to three months on the sidelines after undergoing operations this summer.

Clarke-Harris, who scored 11 goals after moving to the Pirates on the January transfer deadline day, was seen prowling around the club’s training ground yesterday but Coughlan said he is taking precaution­s to make sure his star asset is completely ready for a return to action.

He said: “If I had chucked Jonno in at Blackpool, if I chuck him in this week against Wycombe and he breaks down and we lose him for the season, 44 games, plus the cup games, we are talking here 50/52 games we could lose a player for the sake of one or two games.

“Listen it is risk and reward, cause and affect, what do you actually do? Chuck him in and flog him and he breaks down, then I am the villain.

“I will sit with my sport science people, I will sit with my physio and we will discuss. We will have a look at Jonno, we have been monitoring him closely over the last week, and we will see where he is.

“There is no way in the world I am going to put a player at risk if he is not 100 percent fit and if he isn’t ready to go in, certainly not at this stage of the season. Bristol Rovers’ Jonson Clarke-Harris

“Had it been last season, had it been late on and we were desperate for players, wins and results, it is probably a different story, but at this stage of the season it is a different story. We need to make sure Jonno is right for the whole season not just the first month.” ClarkeHarr­is has missed all of pre-season after undergoing keyhole surgery on an undisclose­d injury but has been back in training for a couple of weeks and is nearing a return to action.

That is more than can be said for Holmes-Dennis and Matthews however, with both players also going under the knife this summer, ruling them out of pre-season.

Coughlan said: “Tareiq was in this week, he continues to kick around with the lads just to keep the spirits up. He is obviously recovering.

“We are hopeful the two of them won’t be too long. They have just had little minor procedures. I am looking forward to having them back. I would rather have two fit lads back challengin­g for places in the squad.

“But there is no time scale at the moment if that is what you are looking for. We will know the time scale in the next couple of weeks when they begin their rehab, we will then be able to put a timescale on their definitive return.

“At the moment we are just letting nature take its course.

“Yes we have been given the three and four month time scales but I am just going to let the lads do their rehab, let nature takes its course and not pressure them.

“When they get back in the gym, when they get back on their feet, when they are fully active, up and at it, then we will put timescales on it. But I am fully expecting Tareiq to be back with us ahead of Sammy.”

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