Bristol Post

Education cuts Teacher ‘sourced supplies from partner’s office’

- Alexander BROCK

The Duke of Kent visits the Wheels Project in Bristol

ATEACHER has felt forced to source classroom supplies from their partner’s workplace because of funding cuts, it has been claimed.

Figures analysed by the Reach Data Unit reveals Bristol schools have been given £86 less to spend per pupil compared with last year, when inflation is taken into account.

The finding has prompted criticism from a National Education Union (NEU) official, who pointed to “savage” cuts imposed by the government in recent years.

William Brown, a teacher and the NEU’s joint district secretary for Bristol, said: “I feel we’re increasing­ly being asked to do more with less and less resources.”

Following an analysis of Department for Education statistics, the Reach Data Unit has stated schools in Bristol were given £4,780 to spend per pupil in 2019/2020.

Last year the sum per pupil was £4,771 but, when inflation is taken into account, that figure would be £4,866 in today’s money.

Mr Brown told the Bristol Post he was “not at all surprised” to hear about the figures.

He said: “The amount being taken out of school by government is not being publicised.

“So it’s taking with one hand and giving with the other – and they’re only publicisin­g when they give.”

Seeking to illustrate the impact of cuts, Mr Brown revealed he knows an office worker who is trying to “procure glue sticks from his office” to help his partner, a teacher struggling with a lack of resources.

Reflecting on that scenario, Mr Brown said: “As a teacher it makes me sad. I’m a teacher myself and children naturally tend to assume that what they grow up with is normal.

“But I’ve been in the game long enough to know it’s not normal – it’s not fair these children are being shortchang­ed. The staff are also getting short-changed and getting a raw deal.”

Mr Brown added: “The problem for anyone in charge of schools is they’re hoping for light at the end of the tunnel but we’re still not seeing any at the moment.”

In August, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced he would inject more than £14billion into primary and secondary education between now and 2022/23.

The government said from 2020/21 every secondary school will receive a minimum of £5,000 per pupil and every primary school would get a minimum of £4,000.

It also said the money will ensure funding per pupil rises in line with inflation at the minimum.

The DfE has been approached for comment.

According to the Reach Data Unit, Bristol schools were given £4,441 to spend per pupil in 2011/12.

In today’s money that figure would be worth £5,129 per pupil – £349 more than this year.

As a teacher it makes me sad.. It’s not fair these children are being shortchang­ed. The staff are also getting shortchang­ed and getting a raw deal

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