Bristol Post

Rape trial Rapper says ‘terrorisin­g’ women was part of consensual sex

- Geoff BENNETT Court reporter

ARAPPER accused of multiple rapes said he enjoyed “terrorisin­g” sexual partners but all activity was consensual.

Andy Anokye, known as Solo 45, told Bristol Crown Court grime music propelled him to a life of fame and fortune.

He told the jury he had a liking for “sub dom-type sex” as he gave evidence for the first time yesterday.

The 32-year-old said: “Things were going so well I would never have done anything to put my freedom on the line.”

Anokye, of Millennium Promenade, Bristol, was a member of the grime creative Boy Better Know.

He denies 31 charges against him, covering a two-year period.

The charges, relating to four complainan­ts, include 22 counts of rape and five counts of false imprisonme­nt.

Anokye is also accused of two charges of assault by penetratio­n and two charges of assault occasionin­g actual bodily harm.

The musician has been on trial since the end of last year and yesterday it was his turn to give evidence. He described his early years living on the Broadwater Farm

Andy Anokye, Bristol grime artist, denies rape and false imprisonme­nt

estate in London, when life included gangs, guns and violence.

He told the jury his interest in music rocketed from getting records played on pirate radio, to signing a lucrative contract with

Island Records and a life of making and performing music.

Anokye said he became sexually active from the age of about 13.

He said in his late teens he practised sex which included slapping, tying up and fake handcuffs.

He told the jury abusive words were used and sex was “feverish and rough”.

He said sex also included slapping of chests, hair-holding and throat-holding.

“Some people are into it,” he said. Anokye said slapping could result in his partners being bruised.

He told the court the women he was with were all aware he was “not the kind of man to make slow love by candleligh­t”.

He said sex with him would involve “terrorisin­g” women, in which he would humiliate and degrade them, and they would verbally abuse him.

He said sex – much of which he filmed and did not hide on devices – was consensual, and he would have stopped if he thought it was not.

The case continues.

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