Bristol Post

Five common myths about depression debunked



IT’S a hard truth that whatever your background, depression doesn’t discrimina­te. It can hit for absolutely no reason, or creep in when you’re forced to cope with tough life events.

The illness affects around 300 million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organisati­on. But despite being relatively common, there are still many misconcept­ions about it.

“Depression can affect people from all different walks of life, regardless of social background, age, gender, sexuality or ethnicity,” says counsellor Lynn Crilly, author of Hope With Depression (Hammersmit­h Books, £16.99).

“It’s a deep-rooted, debilitati­ng and destructiv­e mental illness that affects both the sufferers and their carers alike, and ‘facts’ are often quoted in relation to depression that are actually myths, which can prevent people from getting to grips with depression.”

Here, Lynn tackles some of the common myths about depression...


MANY people with depression hide it very successful­ly, or at least try their very hardest to. They may be so good at concealing how they really feel that only the most alert loved ones may see what’s really happening behind that smile.

This is where knowing someone well, and knowing what’s normal for them, is vital.

If they start showing unusual behaviour, perhaps sleeping or eating in a way that causes concern, dig deeper to see if depression or another mental illness could be the cause.


SOME people see antidepres­sant medication as something to be feared (and often avoided), because of concerns about its side-effects and whether it could lead to an addiction. Those concerns should certainly not be ignored, but neither should they put people off seeking medical help for depression.

The best person to advise a patient about whether medication is suitable for them and what the effects of taking it might be is their GP. However, that’s not to say all responsibi­lity should be handed to a medical practition­er. The patient themselves, along with their loved ones, should ask about side-effects and remain alert to any potential problems they may cause.

Medication is also only one line of treatment. It’s not always needed and therapy or counsellin­g can also be very effective, while other alternativ­e therapies may also

be helpful.


WHILE the number of women known to be suffering with depression is greater than the number of men, we also know men are much less likely to come forward to seek help for their symptoms, and in our ‘macho’ society, perhaps find it harder to talk about their state of mind.

However, the shocking fact that the biggest cause of death among men under the age of 50 is suicide clearly shows that men are also suffering with mental illness, and they need to be right at the centre of the conversati­on about it.

This myth that ‘real men’ don’t get depression must also be scotched. Unfortunat­ely, many men still believe depression is a kind of weakness and shouldn’t be acknowledg­ed. This makes the illness even more dangerous for men than women, as again they are less likely to ask for help.


MAKE no mistake, huge strides have been made in the way depression is recognised and understood. The younger generation of royals have led their own campaign, Heads Together, to help break the stigma around mental illness and change how wider society understand­s depression and other related illnesses.

Suddenly it seemed awareness about these conditions had been placed firmly under the spotlight, and a real shift seems to have occurred in how mental illness is viewed at work, by the media, and in wider society.

However, the battle is not won. People are still wary of admitting they have a mental illness, worried they’ll be judged, excluded and even potentiall­y put their careers at risk.

There are still misconcept­ions about what mental illness really feels like, and there’s still a long way to go in society’s understand­ing of the issues.


YOU can’t wave a magic wand and make the depression disappear, but you can support and care for someone with the illness and show them acceptance and understand­ing, and in doing so you’ll help make their journey

Many people with depression hide it very successful­ly, or at least try their very hardest to... Lynn Crilly

through depression easier to bear.

Plus, appropriat­e profession­als, teachers, youth workers and employers can play a very important role in ensuring they deal with depression appropriat­ely, just as they would a physical illness. Society as a whole can help and support people with depression, by showing tolerance, acceptance and true understand­ing to those who suffer with it.

MAINTAININ­G healthy relationsh­ips, both with the people closest to us and within our wider support network, is essential for our wellbeing.

Research shows that people with strong interperso­nal connection­s are healthier, happier and live longer. Relationsh­ips with family and friends bring love, meaning and purpose to our lives, while our broader social network brings us a sense of belonging.

However, relationsh­ips can also be tricky to navigate, and unhealthy habits and patterns can cause problems like anxiety, trust issues and low self-esteem.

If we don’t pay attention to our relationsh­ips and invest time in maintainin­g healthy connection­s with the people in our lives, this can have the opposite effect of becoming damaging to our wellbeing and mental health.

It’s often said that relationsh­ips require give and take and it’s true that finding a healthy balance in our relationsh­ips is important. But what do we need to balance?

We need to balance our own needs, wishes and desires with those of the other person.

If you’re a “people pleaser” or someone who has a tendency to sacrifice their own needs for the needs of others then, over time, this can lead to feelings

 ??  ?? Our macho culture can make it difficult for men to admit they need help
Our macho culture can make it difficult for men to admit they need help
 ??  ?? Counsellor and author Lynn Crilly
Counsellor and author Lynn Crilly
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It’s important for friends and family to note any changes in mood and behaviour Below:
Antidepres­sants can be helpful but are not the only treatment
Left: It’s important for friends and family to note any changes in mood and behaviour Below: Antidepres­sants can be helpful but are not the only treatment

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