Bristol Post

Parents of baby left brain-damaged avoid prison


PARENTS of an 11-day-old baby left brain damaged after they failed to call medics promptly have avoided jail.

The mum and dad, who live near Bristol but cannot be named so as to protect the identity of the child, were aware the baby had blood around his mouth around 8.30am on July 25, 2017.

But although the mum called her mother around 8.40am, they didn’t call an ambulance until 9.45am.

Bristol Crown Court heard it was found the baby had sustained a forceful injury to his head which caused a bleed to his brain.

He also suffered a cut to his lip and nostril as if a dummy had been put vigorously into his mouth.

The parents, both 23 denied causing the injuries.

Because there was no evidence to confirm who did, the Crown simply accepted guilty pleas of wilful child neglect from both.

Judge William Hart gave both a six-month prison sentence, suspended for 18 months.

He said: “The prosecutio­n cannot say which of the two of you was responsibl­e or if it was joint enterprise. Therefore one, or both of you, is lying. Which one of you it is cannot be proved. Whoever it is ought to bear the burden for ever.”

They were given a rehabilita­tion activity requiremen­t for up to 25 days and told to pay a victim surcharge.

Barristers for both the prosecutio­n and defence attended court via

Skype due to coronaviru­s lockdown.

Jo Martin, prosecutin­g, said by 8.30am the parents were aware the baby was quiet, bleeding from his mouth.

When an ambulance was called at 9.45am medics asked the parents how the child received the injuries and both said they had no idea.

There was evidence the dad told his father-in-law he had dropped the baby from a low height, about which hospital staff were sceptical.

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