Bristol Post

Child stranger alert Police believe multiple incidents are not linked


POLICE are continuing to investigat­e four incidents of men approachin­g schoolchil­dren in south Bristol and Clevedon.

Last week, it was reported two children were approached by a stranger who asked them to get into his car.

The incident happened in Clevedon on Thursday, as police said they were investigat­ing three separate incidents of men approachin­g and talking to schoolchil­dren from inside vehicles.

The day before, a girl was approached and spoken to by two men sitting in a car near the Oasis Academy in Brislingto­n.

Avon and Somerset Police said officers believe the South Bristol incidents are not linked.

The statement said: “Officers continue to investigat­e following three reports of suspicious incidents in south Bristol.

“Neighbourh­ood officers have carried out reassuranc­e visits and are conducting targeted patrols in the area.

“Investigat­ors are now satisfied that these incidents are not linked.

“While officers have yet to establish any evidence of the men’s motives for speaking to the children, we’d encourage parents and carers to remind children what to do if they are approached by a suspicious stranger.

“They should shout to draw the attention of others, run home or to the nearest busy public place and tell an adult straight away.

“If you have any concerns about these incidents please contact the neighbourh­ood team.”

The force also released more informatio­n about the incident in Clevedon, saying the two female pupils at Clevedon School were approached by an unknown man driving a blue car between 8am and 8.30am on Thursday, in the Teignmouth Road/Clover Close area.

The statement added: “It is reported that the man spoke to the girls through the open window of the car and asked them to get in.

“The man is described as being around 40 years old, with receding ginger hair, wearing a black top.

“The girls did the right thing by running away and telling an adult, who then contacted police.

“In light of this report, the local neighbourh­ood policing team will be increasing patrols in the area and a dedicated safeguardi­ng officer is working with the school to ensure pupils are aware of personal safety measures.”

Anyone with informatio­n that could help police with their enquiries is asked to call 101 quoting reference 5220 224 535.

We’d encourage parents and carers to remind children what to do if they are approached by a suspicious stranger Avon and Somerset police

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