Bristol Post

Covid More than 100 test positive at uni for virus


ALMOST 120 students and two members of staff have tested positive for coronaviru­s at the University of Bristol.

Last week, the university confirmed multiple coronaviru­s cases among its student population and said “a very small number of students” had contracted Covid-19, but did not release an exact number.

But official figures on the organisati­on’s website this week show the number of infected students now stands at 119.

A parent whose daughter is a new student at the university has now been in touch with the Post.

She said: “I am so concerned about the outbreak there. There are numerous positives across the city centre halls.

“My daughter has just tested positive along with almost her entire flat and she is aware of many others.”

The mum said this was completely inevitable in her opinion, adding she felt there were minimal systems in place within the halls to protect the students.

“Very few sanitisati­on points we could see when we dropped her off and none within her flat itself,” she continued.

“Minimal signage and clearly only basic cleaning had been done.”

“My daughter has had next to no informatio­n or guidance from the university itself – I am very concerned.”

A staff member at the university, who wished to remain anonymous, said there were many confirmed cases and several more who are symptomati­c awaiting tests.

When the pandemic first hit the UK back in March, a student at Bristol University was one of the first five cases confirmed in the city, with the student having just returned to Bristol from a trip abroad.

The University of the West of England (UWE) said on Friday it had one positive test and the student, based at the Frenchay Campus , was not symptomati­c.

The Post approached UWE for an update on their figures yesterday.

A University of Bristol spokespers­on said: “The University has been working hard to put extra cleaning and safety measures across its residences and high-use areas which includes a combinatio­n of one-way systems, distance markers, additional signage, and hand sanitising stations at main entrances and exits.

“All our students are provided with masks and visors as soon as they arrive on campus, we have also reached out to our student community via direct email, letter and virtual sessions with COVID-19 safety guidance aimed specifical­ly at those living in student households.

“Our priority is to try and keep our staff, students and the wider community safe from this virus, if any students require further clarificat­ion or informatio­n about our covid safety measures we urge them to speak to the University’s Residentia­l Life Team.”

Are you a student or do you work at one of the universiti­es in Bristol? Our reporter Estel would love to hear from you. Get in touch with her directly on

 ?? Jon Kent ?? The Wills Memorial Building at Bristol University
Jon Kent The Wills Memorial Building at Bristol University

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