Bristol Post

Residents fear Covid spike as fun fair comes to town


THE arrival of a fun fair in Nailsea has sparked a wave of concerns amongst the local community who fear it could lead to the spread of coronaviru­s.

People have taken to social media to vent their anger at the Shaun Rogers fun fair being allowed to set up from Thursday to Sunday at Millennium Park in the town.

Some residents have described the decision as “madness” and “risky”, fearing those using the rides could lead to a spike in Covid-19 cases locally.

The Millennium Park is owned by North Somerset Council, which granted permission for the fun fair to set up earlier this week.

Fair operators said the attraction was compliant with all Government guidelines.

They say social distancing measures were in place and that groups of more than six people would not be allowed.

Numbers using the rides are limited, and hand sanitising stations were in place across the site.

North Somerset Council has been approached for a comment.

Rob Hollingbur­y posted on the Nailsea Forum Facebook page: “The high impossibil­ity of social distancing at a fair makes this enterprise highly risky. Nailsea is a low risk area, let’s not make it a high risk zone. We all need some enjoyment, but at what risk?”

Angela Casali said: “Our town council closes roads for social distancing yet allows overcrowdi­ng with fairs. Am I missing something?”

One woman, who tested positive for Covid-19, posted on the community website Nailsea People about her concern around events being allowed during a pandemic.

The anonymous poster said: “I am a Nailsea resident and have had Covid-19 for two weeks now as have six members of my family, two in Clevedon and two in Yatton.

“I cannot express how concerned I am that the fair is being encouraged.

“Myself, my husband and daughter work across three of our local hospitals and the admission rate is going up. We are a healthy fit family

with no underlying health issues and we have been very unwell with this virus and I have a real concerns for the elderly community in Nailsea.”

Nailsea Community Group – set up to support people across the town during the pandemic – launched a poll on Monday asking for views on the fun fair.

The poll had at time of publicatio­n attracted 602 votes, with 487 people saying events should not be going ahead and 115 saying they should.

 ??  ?? The fun fair arrived at Millennium Park earlier this week
The fun fair arrived at Millennium Park earlier this week

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