Bristol Post

Stella, 85, takes a walk in the skies to raise cash for hospice


AN 85-year-old grandmothe­r of six says she’s open to taking on other challenges after doing a wing walk – to raise money for the hospice supporting her.

Stella Bateman, of Sea Mills, took to the skies for the challenge of a lifetime and to raise money for the St Peter’s Hospice When It Matters Most fundraisin­g campaign.

Stella, a former nurse, finally retired in March at the age of 84 after being diagnosed with diabetes and a mild heart problem.

But in early August she became very unwell and jaundiced and was admitted to Southmead Hospital.

Stella spent 12 days in hospital before being given the devastatin­g news that she had inoperable cancerous tumours in her pancreas and bowel.

On hearing the news, incredibly one of the first questions she asked was whether she could still do the planned wing walk – bought for her by her family as a present for her 85th birthday.

“My birthday was in June and the family thought it would be a good birthday present for me,” she laughed.

“But because of the coronaviru­s pandemic it had to be postponed but I was still desperate to do it.”

Stella went ahead and completed the wing walk at the end of August.

By this point she had been referred to St Peter’s Hospice for care and support with her cancer diagnosis.

“The hospice has been so amazing to me I thought the money raised from the wing walk should go to them – and the When It Matters Most appeal.”

The wing walk took place at Aerosuperb­atics in Cirenceste­r, with Stella’s family cheering as she flew through the skies and made it back to terra firma.

“I had already done a sky dive when I was 75 and on holiday in New Zealand,” said Stella.

“And I’d always fancied a wing walk too.

“I arrived at the airfield and we had a briefing with the pilot who, on learning my age, said he would ‘go gently’ with me to which I replied, ‘please don’t’.

“I was strapped in and completely safe and I loved every minute of it.

“My legs were like jelly after the flight and I think my family were very glad to see me back on the ground.”

So far Stella has raised more than £4,000 from her aerial adventure.

Stella, who is being supported by the hospice’s team of community nurse specialist­s, said: “The hospice has been amazing since I was referred to them.

“It is so reassuring to have them on the end of the phone at all times; not just for me, but for my family too.

“I have always been a fan of the hospice movement and although I worked as a nurse, I never got to work in a hospice environmen­t.

“They ring in to check up on me and have given me advice on medication to ensure I am pain free.”

Stella and her daughter have also just come back from a trip to Scotland, visiting friends and relatives.

Daughter Betula said: “Mama says it’s important to go on living until you die and she is certainly doing that.”

So far, Stella has yet to plan another challenge.

“She’d love to have a ride on a Harley-Davidson,” said Betula, “as she rode quite big bikes herself when she was younger.”

Stella continues to remain positive about her future.

“I haven’t planned any other challenges,” she smiled. “But I’m open to offers.”

To make a donation for Stella’s wingwalk go to the JustGiving page called ‘Grandma Stella’s Wingwalk’.

The pilot, on learning my age, said he would ‘go gently’ with me ... I replied, ‘please don’t’ ... I was strapped in and completely safe and I loved every minute of it. My legs were like jelly after the flight and I think my family were very glad to see me back on the ground Stella Bateman, 85

You can make a donation at www.stpetersho­ – or pop into any of the hospice charity shops

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Stella Bateman ready for take-off on her charity wing walk; and back on solid ground after her adventure

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