Bristol Post

Businesses doing their bit for Bristol


PUBS, cafes and restaurant­s up and down the country have stepped in to help families in need by offering free meals over the holidays.

This comes after MPs’ decision to reject the free schools meal campaign started by footballer Marcus Rashford.

Now dozens of businesses across our region have joined forces to support struggling families this half term.

Please check websites or Facebook pages for the latest informatio­n. » Pho Kitchen - 28 Clare Street, Bristol city centre

A spokesman said: “Next week we are giving out 250 free lunches to children in Bristol.

“Each of our 25 open restaurant­s across the country will be preparing 50 lunches for children, that can be collected in our restaurant.

“These are for children who need extra support over half term and are missing out on free school meals. Over the course of Half Term we hope to give out 6,250 meals in total.”

» Almondsbur­y Creative - 10 Gloucester Road, Almondsbur­y

Owner Garth Jackson said: “We are distributi­ng free school meal packs which contain seven two course meals to take to take them through the week. We will be delivering 120 to 150 meals to families in need.

“I have three children of my own so I know how important children are – this is something that was within our power and we wanted to help.

“It seems like the natural thing to do having previously delivered meals during the lockdown.”

» The Crown Inn Keynsham - Bristol Road, Keynsham

Owner David Yeomans said: “We do our bit in the holidays for the kids, this year is like no other and it has made it harder to do, both financiall­y for us as a business but also with Covid.

“We have decided that we will be continuing the free food for children as long as it is needed from this Monday.

“Our aim is to ensure everyone is warm and fed, people of all ages. Usually we do offer shower facilities to the homeless however due to Covid we can’t do that at the moment.”

» Coniston Cafe - Patchway

Manager Sharron Mitchell said: “The thought behind the free packed lunches is simple – no child should go hungry.”

Having heard the decision made by local MPs she felt as a charity which is supported by fare-share and other donations “we as a community could offer this”.

She said: “Patchway is such a fantastic community, fully together in times of need and lockdown has shown what amazing efforts people go to to help one another out.

“So many of our customers are vulnerable, out of work or have felt the huge effect the pandemic has left in its wake and we still aren’t through it.

“We will continue to support as many people as we can through this mentally, physically and financiall­y challengin­g time.”

» The Charlton Keynsham - Longmeadow Road, Keynsham

Co-owner Alison Jordan said: “We are running a ‘kids eat free’ fortnight until November 8.

“The promotion offers a child’s meal and dessert for free when an adult meal is purchased. It runs from 12pm to 7.30pm and visitors are encouraged to download the SWIFTY app to get a discount at checkout.

Mrs Jordan said: “The Charlton is very much part of the community and with such unpreceden­ted times, we are trying to help out as much as we possibly can.” » Old Bristolian’s hockey club - 1 Longwood Lane, Long Ashton, Bristol

Committee member Edward Thompson said: “We have come up with a plan to use our caterers at our club house and raise as much funds this weekend (first league game of the season) to provide meals to those who are in receipt of free school meals during half term.

“We are asking anyone who is in need of any food or meals to get in touch with me (email edd. or text 0741202820­2). Our aim is to try and deliver as many meals as we possibly can next week to anyone in need.” » Bs4 kitchen - Food delivery service » The Stable cafe in Weston - Wadham Street, Weston-SuperMare » Cafe on the square - Shirehampt­on Road, Sea Mills » Ruby Jeans Coffee shop - Pembroke Road, Bristol

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