Bristol Post

I’ve been stabbed Chilling 999 call by injured doctor

- Geoff BENNETT Court reporter

AJURY listened to the chilling moment a doctor rang 999 and said he had been stabbed.

Dr Adam Towler contacted emergency services on the evening of October 30 last year, Bristol Crown Court heard.

He told the operator he had been stabbed multiple times by a man who was still battering his front door.

A hurt Dr Towler, who remained calm and measured in the call, said: “I need an ambulance, I am injured.

“There’s a man with a knife who injured me in the vicinity.

“He’s shining a light through the door. I believe he’s mentally disturbed.”

It is claimed Chanz Maximen, 18, allegedly stabbed Dr Towler multiple times after knocking on the door of his home in Clifton.

Dr Towler suffered nine stab wounds in the incident, including one that missed his heart by two centimetre­s.

Maximen, of Woodend Walk in Sea Mills, is accused of attempting to murder Dr Towler.

He is also alleged to have caused grievous bodily harm to warehouse worker Wojtek Rozmiarek, who was stabbed in the head as he sat on a bench on November 20.

He is also accused of following Annabel Everitt as she walked home from a night out on November 21, before knocking on the door of her home and coming inside with a knife.

Maximen denies attempted murder, having a knife in a public place, wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and aggravated burglary.

The jury was played an audio recording of Dr Towler’s 999 call on October 30.

He told the controller he needed police and an ambulance after being attacked with a knife.

The operator told him to keep talking, and asked him where he was injured.

Dr Towler replied: “Head’s bleeding, abdomen. It’s a bit hard to be coherent. I’m going to sit down now. I have pain in my chest and abdomen.”

The controller continuall­y reassured Dr Towler that help was on the way.

Dr Towler told him he was finding it hard to breathe deeply, and he didn’t want to look at his injuries.

He managed to describe his assailant, saying he was wearing a grey hoodie, had a knife in his right hand and appeared to be aged about 30 to 50 and was about 5ft 8ins to 5ft 10ins tall.

Dr Towler said: “He knocked in the door, he was attacking me with the knife and chased me down the street.

“He hit me with the knife maybe twice. I don’t know him.”

Shortly after police and paramedics arrived on the scene, the court heard.

Witness Thomas Wainwright stated he was in Caledonia Place, Clifton, when a black male aged 20 to 25 jogged by him, wearing a coat with a frilly hood.

Mr Wainwright said: “I did not see him carry anything or dispose of anything. Nothing made me suspect a crime was going on.”

Mr Rozmiarek told the court he suffered a cut head after receiving two or three blows from behind him as he sat on a bench at the junction of Apsley Road and Whiteladie­s Road.

He said: “The blows were within a fragment of a second, like a burst from a sub-machine gun, really quick.”

The court heard a Bristol University security guard, who tried to find the attacker to no avail, took Mr Rozmiarek to Southmead Hospital – but Mr Rozmiarek was told there was a five-hour wait for treatment so he walked home and treated his injuries himself.

The case continues.

Head’s bleeding, abdomen. It’s a bit hard to be coherent ... I have pain in my chest and abdomen

Dr Adam Towler

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