Bristol Post

Jail for man who claimed knife was music video prop


A BRISTOL man told police he had a hunting knife because it was a prop in a drill music video.

Corey McClean insisted the blade was not for sinister purposes.

But, after he was released on bail, police then found another blade in his car and he offered no explanatio­n.

The 27-year-old, of Cromer Road, pleaded guilty to possessing a blade in May and possessing an offensive weapon in September.

The Recorder of Bristol His Honour Judge Peter Blair QC jailed him for 346 days. He ordered both knives to be destroyed.

Neil Treharne, prosecutin­g, told Bristol Crown Court plain clothes police went to Hillfields, concerned over reports of a large group of people congregati­ng in lockdown.

Mr Treharne said: “Police were informed of issues about drug supply and drill videos being made in the area.”

The court heard McClean was in the driver’s seat of a Fiat car, and police asked to search him.

Outside the vehicle he was seen to drop a hunting knife before fleeing the scene, and was arrested having been found in a garden.

When interviewe­d, he said the knife was a prop for a music video.

Having been bailed, some four months later police saw McClean in a car near Bristol Royal Infirmary.

Mr Treharne said: “Behind the driver’s seat they found a Rambo First Blood II hunting knife.”

Ehsan Oarith, defending, said of the first incident: “At no point did he have any intention to use the knife.”

Of the second incident, Mr Oarith said: “The knife came into his possession but he was not the owner of the knife.”

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