Bristol Post

Have faith, new customers – on foot or bicycle – will soon emerge


THE shop-owners who were complainin­g recently about new cycle lanes should hold on and stop whingeing.

The evidence is very clear: cycle lanes encourage business trade.

Change always takes time for things to “settle”. New customers – maybe people coming on foot or by bicycle – will emerge.

And cycle lanes are good for everyone. They help people get around Bristol actively and safely, taking exercise, and reducing obesity and heart disease. More cycle lanes are vital and long overdue.

Danish and Dutch cities have proper networks and they have lower levels of obesity.

We must all look after our own health. We cannot leave it all to the NHS. Taking exercise is a key part of this, and the more that people can “build this in” to everyday life the better.

Traders are being daft if they blame any new cycle lanes for a downturn. We are experienci­ng a deep recession because of the pandemic. That is the main issue leading to reduced trade.

All businesses have to adapt to these times, just as we all do.

Cycle lanes are good and welcome, and long overdue. Concerned businesses should simply do more to adapt to their new customers.

Drivers can always “park and walk”, and walk to their destinatio­n. That little bit of extra walking from drivers will be good exercise, should help them live a bit longer and so they will be customers of those businesses for longer!

The long-term benefits of cycle lanes are well proven. They also benefit car drivers. And let’s not forget that 70 per cent of people who ride bicycles in Bristol have driving licences.

It’s great to see the new cycle lanes appearing and they will be a long-term part of our transport system.

Mark Taylor Bristol

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