Bristol Post

Shock resignatio­ns see Labour lose committee majority


LABOUR has lost its majority on Bristol City Council’s committees after two members resigned.

The ruling party was reduced to 34 councillor­s - the same as the opposition groups combined - at the start of October when cabinet member for housing Cllr Paul Smith quit to become chief executive of Elim housing associatio­n.

The shock departure came just two months after backbenche­r Cllr Harriet Bradley stepped down because of ill health.

Party whips have since been in talks over how the council’s committees should be composed because Labour’s majority allocation­s no longer reflected the balance of power at City Hall.

A meeting of full council has now unanimousl­y approved the new arrangemen­ts which gives Labour half of the 102 seats on committees including planning, scrutiny, audit, human resources, selection, public safety & protection and public rights of way & greens.

The Conservati­ves have 20 seats – equal to 19.61 per cent compared to its entitlemen­t of 20.59 per cent – Greens have 19 (18.63 per cent against a 16.18 per cent entitlemen­t) and the Lib Dems 12 seats (11.76 per cent against a 13.24 per cent entitlemen­t).

Although Labour has the same number of members as the other groups’ total, this does not include the party’s city mayor Marvin Rees who has voting rights in full council meetings and makes decisions with his cabinet. The slender majority in the chamber is made more secure by the fact tradition dictates the lord mayor, currently Lib Dem Cllr Jos Clark, chairs full council but does not vote.

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