Bristol Post

Southmead Police take to e-bikes to crack down on biker nuisance

- Conor GOGARTY Chief reporter

PSomeone on a bike, particular­ly without a helmet, is a much higher risk, not just to themselves, but to the public as well Sgt Richard Jones

OLICE are using electric bikes to clamp down on youths riding motorbikes dangerousl­y in Southmead.

Last week, the Post reported residents’ concerns over teens speeding on motorbikes without a licence in a “really dangerous” manner.

Now Sgt Richard Jones has revealed details of how police are tackling the issue, including recent arrests.

The Southmead beat sergeant also moved to ease fears of gang violence in the area, after a man was stabbed in the chest on Greystoke Avenue last month, which he described as an “isolated incident”.

Sgt Jones said: “We have purchased a load of electric bikes, with PCSOs spread widely across the estate.

“We have tried to take a high-visibility approach. There are two police officers and two PCSOs whose day job is to get out and about in Southmead.”

Last week police arrested a 16-year-old boy after a pursuit of a car through Southmead. He was arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving, failing to stop and driving without a licence or insurance.

The officer revealed the type of vehicle plays a big part in whether police will give chase.

“The incident last week involved a car,” he said. “Someone on a bike, particular­ly without a helmet, is a much higher risk, not just to themselves, but to the public as well.

“It is a case of weighing up in that moment – is it worth the potentiall­y catastroph­ic consequenc­es of chasing someone on a bike?”

Sgt Jones says police will work to prosecute dangerous riders where they have evidence.

“There was a lad stopped a few weeks ago in Henbury after riding a motorbike in a dangerous manner,” he said.

“He will be prosecuted for driving without a licence or insurance.

“Sometimes motorbikes attract a lot of attention because of the noise. Southmead is an estate with lots of roads and side streets. There is often a spike when the weather is better.

“We’ve recently had issues in Henbury and Crow Lane too. We are filling the area with police and providing a more visible deterrent.

“It is not just about chasing bikes. It is also about preventing it happening in the first place, or finding them later.”

Sgt Jones believes the coronaviru­s lockdown may have had an impact on how young people are behaving.

“I don’t think there’s been a spike in antisocial behaviour, but lockdown has certainly given more opportunit­y for it, particular­ly when schools are shut and there are fewer job opportunit­ies.

“Young people have not had much to do in lockdown. We’ve been working with the Southmead Developmen­t Trust to give them opportunit­ies to go on days out.

“My team have been getting to know them, building relationsh­ips – not only so we can identify them if they commit crimes, but also to build trust.”

A man with a stab wound to his chest walked into the Tesco Express store in Greystoke Avenue on October 30.

Sgt Jones said: “I know it’s a cliche, but it’s an isolated incident. There is absolutely not a gang violence problem in Southmead.

“It’s highly residentia­l and there have been issues through the years, but touch wood it’s a nice place to live and has a community feel.”

Youths in Southmead set two Iceland delivery vans on fire, then threw missiles at police on March 23, the night the first lockdown was announced.

Residents have told the Post vandalism is a regular problem, pointing to recent damage of the Greystoke Avenue bus stop.

Some 20 windows at the Greenway Centre community venue were smashed in June.

Sgt Jones said police handed conditiona­l cautions to the youths responsibl­e for the Greenway Centre damage.

“It caused around £1,000 of damage,” he added. “In cases like that, we will pursue people criminally when they cross a line.

“We don’t want people thinking it’s all about just diversion. It’s about making a hostile environmen­t for criminals.”

He also believes there is a strong CCTV deterrent against vandalism in the area, describing damage to bus stops as “not something which happens very often or is reported very often”.

 ??  ?? Youngsters have been riding motorbikes dangerousl­y in Southmead
Youngsters have been riding motorbikes dangerousl­y in Southmead

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