Bristol Post

Ash dieback Plan to axe trees as thousands at risk

- Stephen SUMNER Local democracy reporter

TENS of thousands of ash trees across North Somerset are at risk of disease and many will need to be cut down before someone is injured.

John Flannigan, the council’s community and environmen­t service manager, compared ash dieback to the coronaviru­s – it originated in Asia and British ash trees have no resistance to it.

Some 76,000 ash trees owned by North Somerset Council, next to roads and in parks and hedgerows, could be affected and it will face difficult, potentiall­y costly, decisions about felling them.

It is set to assess the scale of the problem and tell other landowners that they too may need to act.

Mr Flannigan told scrutiny panel members on November 12: “Ash dieback will have an impact environmen­tally, on a landscape level and as a cost implicatio­n to North Somerset Council.

“It’s been around in Europe since about the 1990s. It came from Asia. The common ash doesn’t have resistance. We find that in a number of tree diseases that move around the world now – not unlike coronaviru­s.”

The disease is spread by a fungus that acts by preventing water from transmitti­ng through the tree, meaning it becomes brittle and at risk of toppling. Some die quickly, while in others it can take several years.

Officers say up to 95 per cent of the council’s 80,000 ash trees could become infected. Some have already been felled.

“We’ve got lots of trees next to roadways, lots of trees next to where people live and work. We’ve obviously got to maintain public safety,” said Mr Flannigan.

“That means that we’ve got to start getting involved in removing trees.”

He said that will have an impact on ecosystems, carbon emissions and on residents when trees are felled in their neighbourh­oods.

Tree surgeons are worried about climbing infected trees so the work often requires machinery, which in some cases will mean road closures.

Cllr Terry Porter said: “This is going to make as much of a dramatic change to the landscape as when we lost all the elms.”

Dutch elm disease killed off millions of elm trees.

Cllr Wendy Griggs said people feel very precious about the large trees in their community so the council needs to make clear why they need to be cut down.

It also needs to help small landowners to identify the disease, she said.

The council is set to carry out a survey next summer to identify the number of trees and who owns them, before officers draw up an action plan.

 ?? ?? Ash dieback makes trees brittle and at risk of toppling Ash dieback makes trees brittle and at risk of toppling

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