Bristol Post

Kerby keeps spirits up for city’s waste workers


A KINGSDOWN man’s shopping trip was brightened by the sight of waste collectors appearing to play kerby.

Mike Smith filmed four Bristol Waste workers playing with a ball at around 11am last Thursday on Little Paul Street.

Bristol Waste says it is pleased the footage shows its collectors are “in good spirits”.

Kerby is a game in which players throw a ball against the opposite kerb and catch it on the rebound.

Mr Smith, a 25-year-old architectu­re student, said: “I was walking to the shops, and just saw them out of the corner of my eye.

“I just thought it was a laugh. You can’t beat up people for having fun on the job, especially in these times.

“It’s quite a nice thing to see. You can see both sides – people might say they’re just skiving off work, but as far as we know it could be a team developmen­t thing.

“I don’t know if it’s a thing that happens in rubbish collection. They seemed to be enjoying themselves, throwing the ball at the kerb and deflecting it off their heads.

“For all I know, they found the ball en route and started playing. Two bin lorries were parked there, so it looked like a meet-up.”

The University of the West of England student believes the game was played between collectors of bulky waste.

Mr Smith added: “I was only there a minute or two. I was in a bit of a hurry, so I didn’t get involved – I just recorded it and shuffled on.

“It looked like they were in good spirits, though I didn’t notice any particular celebratio­ns. I’m not sure if there was a winner.”

Bristol Waste explained its crews take their breaks on the street rather than at the depot, to help with social distancing during the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Its spokeswoma­n confirmed 11am is around the time collectors take their lunch break, because they start at 6am.

She added: “To aid social distancing and to keep everyone safe, our crews now take the majority of their breaks outside, often on the street they are working on.

“As the colder weather sets in, and having worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic to ensure the city’s core waste services kept running, we are pleased to see they are still in good spirits and using their lunch breaks to keep each other’s morale high.”

A still from Mike Smith’s video of the workers playing kerby, which involves bouncing a ball off a kerb

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