Bristol Post

Boy robbed of e-scooter at knifepoint by masked gang

- Conor GOGARTY Chief reporter

AMASKED gang pulled a knife on a teenager and stole his electric scooter. Five males threatened the 14-yearold boy with a blade while they robbed him at an Old Market Street bus stop before they fled towards Trinity Road.

An Avon and Somerset police spokesman said that officers are investigat­ing the knifepoint robbery, which happened just before 4pm on Sunday.

The police spokesman said: “The victim had been approached by a group of five males, aged around 15 to 20 years old, wearing dark clothing and face masks.

“He was threatened and his bike was stolen.

“The victim flagged down a police car and a search of the area was carried out but the suspects could not be found.”

A family member of the victim said he was “OK but understand­ably very shaken”.

Trials of e-scooter rental schemes started last year in many areas of the country, including Bristol.

And in the last week alone, media have reported on children being robbed of their e-scooters at knifepoint in Liverpool and Coventry, while another was hit in the face in an Essex robbery.

Avon and Somerset police said that they did not have any statistics they were able to share on Bristol muggings involving e-scooters, but a force spokesman confirmed that enquiries are ongoing into the Old Market incident.

Police officers are carrying out a review of CCTV film from around the area.

The spokesman said: “If you have informatio­n about this incident, please call us on 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5221001389.”

A 12-month trial run, which began last year on October 29, has made hop-on hop-off scooters available for hire in Bristol and Bath.

The scheme is being run by a Swedish urban scooter firm, Voi Technology.

 ??  ?? it is illegal to ride a privately owned e-scooter in any public place in the UK such as roads and pavements; the only place a privately owned e-scooter can be used is on private land
it is illegal to ride a privately owned e-scooter in any public place in the UK such as roads and pavements; the only place a privately owned e-scooter can be used is on private land

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