Bristol Post

We should do what Dutch and Danes have been doing for years

- Mark Taylor Bristol

MORE cycle lanes in Bristol would be great! We need to do what the Dutch and Danes and others have been doing for years, and separate out the people on bicycles from the motor traffic.

This will be good for car drivers, good for pedestrian­s, and good for people on bikes.

We need a full and proper network of Dutch-standard cycle lanes. This will make it far, far safer and easier to cycle and so will help people get around – bicycles are a lot cheaper than cars to buy and run.

We are seeing also a boom in the use of electric scooters, which are hugely popular with young people.

Cycling offers good aerobic exercise, and we know that obesity and being overweight is a risk factor for Covid-19. If you are obese or overweight, you are more at risk of having heart disease, stroke, dementia, diabetes etc, and these are made worse by the virus.

Being obese or overweight is NOT inevitable! – “prevention is better than cure” – it’s better to avoid becoming obese or overweight in the first place. So building regular exercise into your life can burn off calories, and walking and cycling (“active travel”) are free and hugely effective.

It’s also a good idea to eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruit.

Try this for 10 weeks – you may be amazed at the results! Fitter people are healthier people and are happier people. The cynicism and negativity often associated with obesity is not inevitable. Exercise is a form of “fertiliser for the mind”, and it can help tackle ill health.

With the risks of the virus and Covid-19 still around, it makes sense to plan for short-term and long-term cycle lanes and walking routes. Let’s create the building blocks to make Bristol a truly “Healthy City” for all!

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