Bristol Post

Court: Personal trainer flew into rage and trashed ex-girlfriend’s flat

- Geoff BENNETT Court reporter

APERSONAL trainer assaulted his partner and trashed her flat after seeing a text message to her from a friend.

David Flowers had separated from Jade Atkins after a volatile relationsh­ip, Bristol Crown Court heard.

After seeing her again he saw her message on her phone and flew into a “jealous rage”, jabbing and poking at her and slashing her possession­s with a kitchen knife.

The court heard Flowers also bombarded her with some 300 voicemail telephone calls.

Flowers, 37, of Hengrove Avenue in Hengrove, pleaded guilty to assault occasionin­g actual bodily harm, damaging property and harassment.

Judge Michael Longman gave him 11 months prison, suspended for two years.

The judge told Flowers: “You over-reacted.

“You took a knife which you held against her and you damaged furniture in her home, some of which you paid for.

“It must have had an intimidati­ng affect and you jabbed and poked her hard.”

The judge ordered Flowers to pay £665 compensati­on.

He was told to perform 180 hours of unpaid work and undergo a rehabilita­tion programme.

And he was made subject to a two-year restrainin­g order to have no contact with Miss Atkins.

Rupert Russell, prosecutin­g via video link, said that Flowers saw the text message from Miss Atkins’ friend.

Mr Russell said: “This text caused Mr Flowers to fly into a jealous rage.

“He refused to return her phone to her. She slapped Mr Flowers and ripped his T-shirt.

“He then damaged items in the flat. He slashed sofa cushions in the living room. He stabbed the mattress and broke a headboard. He broke mugs, glasses and a cafetiere.

“He threatened her with the bread knife, he jabbed her in the ribs and legs, causing bruising.”

Mr Russell said after Flowers left Miss Atkins told him to leave her alone, but he persisted in messaging her.

Ultimately Miss Atkins reported events to police and Flowers was arrested, initially denying all offences and saying Miss Atkins attacked him first.

Charley Pattison, defending, said her client had set up a gym and had worked tirelessly not for profit, but to help people.

She told the judge the incident between him and Miss Atkins was prompted by his jealousy, and she told the judge he would benefit more from rehabilita­tion than by “stewing in a cell”.

You over-reacted. You took a knife which you held against her and you damaged furniture in her home... It must have had an intimidati­ng affect

Judge Michael Longman

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