Bristol Post

CAZ will penalise poor


MYSELF and my colleagues support the Clean Air Zone (CAZ) as a concept. Certainly, current particle pollution levels in and around Bristol city centre, which exceed World Health Organisati­on recommende­d levels, demand serious action. However, the current proposals supported by the Mayor are punitive against city centre businesses and poorer Bristol residents.

Bristol Liberal Democrats believe the focus for the CAZ should be over a wider area than the City Centre. Focusing on just this specific area will likely have a disproport­ionate negative impact on residents and local businesses already facing a tough economic environmen­t. Furthermor­e, the narrow focus would merely turn the dot of particle pollution into a wider halo that covers areas around the city centre. This would lead to some of the poorest council wards in our city suffering more from such pollution.

The proposed diesel vehicle ban in its current form is discrimina­tive and regressive policy. Any measures need to be more nuanced and consider newer and more efficient vehicles and also help those on lower incomes. It is our hope that the CAZ charge will be used to help Bristol citizens on lower incomes finance the purchase of cleaner vehicles. We reject the proposed charge of £9 as a flat rate for the CAZ as too punitive. At most, the £9 should be a ceiling amount within a scale of charges, which should consider emissions totals. Ignoring detail for the sake of making seemingly bold decisions is the wrong course to take here.

Our local party has a demonstrat­ed record on environmen­tal matters and remain committed to clearing up our city’s air. However, the way to do this is not by sudden and inflexible changes that will hurt both local businesses and those on lower incomes. We urge the Mayor to take our concerns raised about the CAZ into considerat­ion.

Zachary Barker Liberal Democrat candidate for Central

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