Bristol Post

Cop a load of this...


✒ YEARS ago the letters PC to a copper meant police constable. The police used to visit crime scenes such as burglary, assault, domestic violence etc. Nowadays, as we all know, PC has taken on a new meaning.

A while ago, police in Avon and Somerset, men and women, wore blue nail varnish (I’m not sure of the brand?) to advertise their opposition to slavery. Continuing with this theme, male police in South Wales spent a day wearing high heels to show their solidarity with women.

Imagine on such days they were called out to a fight involving a couple of thugs. Scampering along the road in their stilettos, waving their handbags, the combatants wouldn’t know whether to kiss them or hit them!

After adjusting their tights and make-up, they arrest the yobs and put their hands in pink fluffy handcuffs. Arriving back at the police station, the desk sergeant dressed into a natty two piece suit, starts to book them in.

After careful thought and considerat­ion, it’s decided to put the thugs

on the naughty step and give them a stern look.

Several weeks later the police involved in this ghastly episode are severely reprimande­d for brutality and put in suspenders for a month. Folks, we know we’re in safe hands being guarded by such macho hunks.

I wonder what our cops of the 1950s and 60s would make of this fiasco? Nowadays you’ve got to be careful what you say and who you say it to. It’s like walking on eggshells.

I wouldn’t be surprised in the future if conversati­ons/banter in pubs are monitored by PC police. “Offenders” would be thrown out by the manager or a constable. Big brother is looming. Beware!

Beau Legs


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