Bristol Post

Everyday health hacks

- Michele O’Connor

finds simple ways to stay in peak condition Take your shoes off at the door:

Tests from the University of Arizona found that the bottoms of outdoor shoes average 421,000 units of bacteria (including E. coli), toxins and herbicides. And when those contaminat­ed shoes walk across clean floor surfaces, the rate of transferen­ce was almost 90%.

Snack on olives:

They act similarly to aspirin in reducing inflammati­on and artery plaque formation. And those who consume extravirgi­n olive oil daily are at a lower risk of heart attack, hypertensi­on and death from heart disease than those who don’t.

Jump while the kettle boils:

According to a study by the universiti­es of Exeter and Leicester, women who do one to two minutes of highintens­ity weight-bearing exercise a day have 4% better bone density than those who do less than a minute. And jumping is perfect: Squat, use your arms, jump up high and land softly with bent knees.

Drink water before driving:

Being even mildly dehydrated is the equivalent to being over the drink-drive limit, according to the Journal of Physiology & Behaviour. In both cases, the number of mistakes made was twice that of wellhydrat­ed motorists.

Stop eating at 7pm:

A late-night meal keeps the body on high alert when it should be winding down, warn heart experts. Those with hypertensi­on who ate within two hours of going to bed were 2.8 times more likely to have high blood pressure overnight, increasing their risk of heart attack and stroke. It’s a good rule even if your blood pressure is normal, say researcher­s.

When you reach seven out of 10:

The Hunger Scale helps you tune into your natural hunger cues and reduce “out-of-control” eating. “Before you eat, rank your hunger on a scale of zero (beyond hungry) and 10 (stuffed full),” advises Lyndi Cohen, dietitian and author of The Nude Nutritioni­st. She advises eating at number three, then putting down your knife and fork at seven.

Dry-brush before using toothpaste:

Not only is this a more effective way of removing plaque, say researcher­s, but dry-brushing for around 60 seconds before adding toothpaste means you’re more likely to brush for the full two minutes. (Don’t “wet” your toothbrush first – or rinse away protective fluoride after brushing).

Bend your knees when you lift

The motion of lifting while twisting is one of the worst combinatio­ns for your back – yet it can be hard to avoid when putting children into car seats and lifting heavy shopping into the car.

Bend at the knees – not the waist – and shift the effort to your hips, arms and abs rather than your back, advises Tim Hutchful of the British Chiropract­ic Associatio­n.

And when you feel a sneeze coming, bend your knees to absorb it. Explosive atchoos are a suprisingl­y common culprit for back


Psychologi­sts say this automatica­lly boosts your memory. In a study where students had to remember a list of sentences (ie. the hungry man got into the car), those given an explanatio­n (to go to a restaurant) remembered 72% of the sentences when tested later, compared to 37% of those who only read the first one.

Go left: Ask yourself why:

Observatio­nal studies at train stations suggest 73% of people take the escalator over the stairs when there’s a choice. And, of those that do, a similar amount take the lazy option and stand to the right. If you must take the escalator, make sure you climb.

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 ?? ?? Ditch boots and shoes at the door
Ditch boots and shoes at the door
 ?? ?? Eat olives
Eat olives

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