Bristol Post

‘Fairytale claims’ as Russia marks victory over Nazis


VLADIMIR Putin is spouting “fairytale claims” when falsely alleging that Nato is preparing for an invasion of Russian land, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has said.

The Russian president used a military parade in Moscow on Sunday as an attempt to cast his invasion of Ukraine as a necessary response to Western policies.

But Mr Wallace accused Mr Putin and his “utterly complicit” generals of “hijacking” the memory of Russian troops repelling the

Nazis in the Second World War.

Instead he said they are “inflicting needless suffering in the service of lowly gangsteris­m”.

In Moscow, Mr Putin claimed that his attack on Russia’s neighbour was necessary to ward off “an absolutely unacceptab­le threat just next to our borders”.

He reportedly added at the Victory Day celebratio­ns that the West has been “preparing for the invasion of our land, including Crimea”.

But, asked by journalist­s after a speech at London’s National Army Museum in Chelsea, south-west London, Mr Wallace bluntly denied that Nato and western allies have ever planned to attack Russia.

“President Putin has made a number of fairytale claims for months and years now,” the Cabinet minister said.

“If it wasn’t so tragic it would be amusing, but it isn’t.

“One of his claims is that he is surrounded. Nato accounts for 6% of his land border. That’s not being surrounded.

“I think he is believing what he wants to believe – a slight shine of desperatio­n. But let me put on the record categorica­lly: Nato, Britain, eastern Europe is not planning to invade Russia and never has done.”

Mr Wallace accused the Russian regime of “mirroring (the) fascism and tyranny” of Nazi Germany as the Moscow parade to celebrate the 1945 victory over Hitler’s forces was under way.

Boris Johnson also accused the Russian leader of waging an “unwinnable” war “solely for his own vanity”.

 ?? ALEXANDER ZEMLIANICH­ENKO ?? Russian military vehicles roll during the Victory Day military parade in Moscow yesterday, marking the 77th anniversar­y of the end of World War II. Inset Vladimir Putin at the parade
ALEXANDER ZEMLIANICH­ENKO Russian military vehicles roll during the Victory Day military parade in Moscow yesterday, marking the 77th anniversar­y of the end of World War II. Inset Vladimir Putin at the parade

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