Bristol Post

Halt war to feed starving


I JUDGE the majority of British adults to be uncritical bigots, in urging that the Ukrainian war should be continued. All citizens of Western nations should attempt to persuade Ukraine and Russia to an immediate cease-fire, as the best hope for a negotiated peace, for a million good reasons.

Peace cannot have any disadvanta­ges for anyone, but the most important ethical considerat­ion is the lifting of the Russian blockade, to save millions of children from starvation across the world. This lack of interest in British media and citizens, in a world-shattering, external consequenc­e which cannot be explained in terms of national politician­s, just like our own, eager to condemn other nations, because of their restricted perception. There cannot be a greater imperative: our failure to discuss it condemns each and all of us, denying our own humanity.

I have no reason to support Putin or Russia’s invasion, but the informatio­n peddled in Britain has the exaggerate­d characteri­stics of a child’s perspectiv­e of conflict, Goodies and Baddies, making it impossible to comprehend reality.

During the 1939-1945 war, Britons all agreed to tell lies about Germans, as a necessary part of warfare, but having agreed to that we should not make ourselves stupid with our distorted point of view.

Every British adult should be wise enough to discover the priorities of human ethics, to keep us sane.

C N Westerman

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